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Jamaican So Hot Sauce

Man, what a great Throwdown this Hot Dog one has been! So many great entries to have to choose from. While I was shopping I found a bunch of good looking, fresh Habaneros and decided I just get enough to do my next sauce as well. So here's the list for the new sauce. For this sauce I'm using sourdough hooch to start the fermenting.

Red Habaneros
Sweet onion
Sweet Potatoes
Golden Raisins
Crushed Pineapple
Fresh Ginger
Lime Juice

All the above went through the food processor except the Sweet Potatoes and Raisins.
The Sweet Potatoes I cut into match sticks and the Raisins I just put in whole. Ok, so here are some pictures:

So I decided to use Sweet Potatoes for this sauce instead of Carrots. I was looking at recipes for ingredients while trying to decide what to use for the throwdown and I found alot of sweet potatoes being used.


Not sure if these are Caribbean Reds or Red Sovina or a mixture.


All jared up and ready to work, this was taken about 3 hours after everything had gone in and you can see it getting cloudy in some areas as it starts fermenting.

I'm planning on letting this ferment for at least 90 days and then once done I'll be adding some more spices to it. I'll be updating with photos as the fermenting process goes along so check back from time to time and remember to go vote for your favorite dog!
WOW, it's been a crazy week. For those that don't have children who are budding thespians it’s hard to describe what the week before an Opening is like. So I go out at lunch and pick up flowers, yellow roses her favorite so good Dad award, and put them I water when I get back to my office. I get home in time to have dinner and when my wife picks up the beautiful bouquet petals start falling out. So, I’m completely perplexed as they were perfect when I picked them up and nothing fell out on the way out to my car or brought them into the house but now… Time to go, out the door, stop and pick up another bouquet and get to the school just in time that the house should be open, to wait while the Techies tend to an issue. After a 10 minute delay the doors open we find some really good seats for the Opening Night performance of “CHICAGO” and it was WOW!!!!

These kids had been working their tails off since January and it showed. It’s not often when a High School production exceeds a professional one but those were the kind of comments I was hearing after it was over. Everything was done exceptionally, sets, costumes, full band elevated above the stage. It was the full experience for them. The director had to fight tooth and nail and HIGHLY edit the script just to get to do it but with the principals full support the school board said yes.

Ok so enough with the proud parent moment. The fermentation has slowed to the point that if it were beer wort I would be racking it to a secondary now. The smell is wonderful. It’s sweet with some pungent notes to it, no longer dominated by the smell of the peppers. It’s been 21 days now of the planned 90 days and I can’t wait to see how this sauce is going to turn out. Here’s some pictures:


Here's a shot of the yeast cake building at the bottom of the jar. I'm not sure if I'll transfer that into the final sauce or not. If anyone with more expierence fermenting pepper want's to comment on this I'd be glad of the advice.


WOOO HOOOO!!!!! 90 days are up tomorrow and I'll be bottling sauce. Here's one last shot of the fermentation before bottling.


See y'all back here tomorrow with the final shots.

Good Morning all you Hot People. Sauce just went into the pot and onto the burner and Holy Carpe Diem, if this sauce tastes just half as good as it smells, it's going to be a great sauce. Teaser:

First blending and I love the color


Ok I can't wait any longer time for a taste


Oh yes Man, I can feel the cool island breezes blowing by. Hear Bob singing No Woman No Cry and smell the sweet scent of ... Ok I don't want the sauce to burn so I better come back. The taste is AWSOME! it's sweet and tangy with all the flavors of the spices and the peppers and the heat is just a point or 2 above where I thought it would be and I like it. First taste you get all of the flavors and then te heat comes for a visit. It's a nice slow warming up to a really good burn like a good friend you haven't seen for a while coming over for a beer. More to follow with the second blending and bottling.

Thanks, I haven't been ablest get a garden in this year. Just been too busy with lots of overtime. That said though here's the Rosemary Inplanted last year which has more than doubled in size.
Last night we had Peachy Chicken and Rice which is really good by itself. I figured it would make a great test vehicle for the new sauce and it was. Up front I could pick out the flavor of the Golden Raisins, pineapple and the peppers. The natural sweetness of the fruits was not over stated as the fermentation process ate up the natural sugars of the fruit and no sugar was added to it. So it was just the flavor of the fruits. I was really interested to see what the consistency was going to be like as I used sweet potatoes instead of carrots and I loved it. In fact I had to add some water to it as after blending it was really thick but nice and creamy too and the sweet potato add another layer of flavor and sweetness to the sauce. It’s really easy for Ginger to overpower other flavors and I was worried that the amount I calculated I needed was going to do just that however it was really more of an overtone to the sauce. The heat as I said above starts after a bit so you get to enjoy the great flavor of the sauce and then it starts to warm up. It starts as a warming sensation and gradually builds to that great Habanero heat. All in all this is going to be a sauce that I will always keep around. Next I’m gong to have to try making some wings and see what it will do to some nice Smoked Turkey and Sharp Cheader on homemade Sourdough.

It has been an awesome sauce on everything it's been tried on. I send out 4 bottles so that some thpr could try it out and give their thought on it. Their located at:


No one's tried maing wings with it yet but I did have some with a rotisery chicken last night and mixed into my potato salad and it was WOW!

Cheers, RM