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baccatum Jamy = Peruviano Arancio?

I am currently selecting varieties for next year and I noticed that the baccatums Jamy (aka Jammy) and Peruviano Arancio seem to be essentially identical. On photos, they are indistinguishable, their heat is in the same range (5-6/10), they are both thick walled, both ripen from light green to orange, the flavor of both is described as (slightly) sweet, fruity with citrus, and both have the same size, habitus, and maturation times. Does anybody have first-hand experience with both?
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Arancio is Italian for "orange", and is not a known word in Spanish (at least not in my dictionary).

The history of Jamy is explained on the Pepperfriends website. No Peru there, but read what it says after frutto... Somebody screwed up?

I grew Jamy in the past but had never heard of Peruviano Arancio until a few minutes ago. Googling images of this Arancio, I can't dinstinguish them from my Jamy. I purchased the seeds from semillas.de, if my memory serves me well.