• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Jason's (Plantguy76) 2015 Adventure

So this is my first glog other then the one I am doing at home.
Here's my grow list
Grow List
Capsicum Chinense varieties
Bahamian Goat(Buckeye pepper company)
Moa Scotch Bonnet(pepperlover)
White Fatalii(pepperlover)
My first super hot form seed Peach Bhut Jolokia S S (pepperlover)
Red Mushroom form lake valley seed via local store(I think there seeds are crossed with habanero)
Red Habanero burpee via menards
Cheiro Roxa (pepperlover)
Stuffing Scotch Bonnet (pepperlover)
Capsicum Baccatums
Aji Brazilian Starfish(pepperlover)
Aji Melocoton(pepperlover)
Aji Amarilo (pepperlover)
Aji Cito(pepperlover)
Dulce Sol(pepperlover)
Capsicum Pubescens
Pineapple Rocoto(pepperlover)
Farmers Market aka Potato Skin Jalapeno
Fresno Chili
Santa Fe Grande
Cayenne long Slim lake valley via local store.
Cumra Cherry(pepperlover)
Gold Medal
Japanese Black Trifle
Green Zebra
Golden San Marzano Hybrid Tomato
Chocolate cherry
Purple pear
Black Sea Man Tomato
Flower Swimming Pool raised beds for pollination & beneficial insects
Mixed bed varieties
Queen mixed colors cleome
Crego aster
Calendula pacific beauty
African daisy
Swimming pool bed Dwarf shasta daisy
Swimming pool bed Zinnia semi dwarf pumila mixed colors & Scarlet flame zinnia
Swimming pool bed unknown Cosmos(gets huge blooms like crazy a bird gift)
Swimming pool bed Marigold Dwarf French double and crackerjack mixed colors last year self sown seed
Cosmos dazzler in pots
Tall green leaf castor bean container
Scarlett runner bean by deck
Also plan on ordering form baker creek tamarillo or tree tomato seeds
I planted on February 4 and 5 my capsicum chinense's & baccatum's varieties
Still waiting on some and some have not germinate well the baccatum's did well.
Also my Bahamian Goats but waiting on the Bhut Jolokia Peach S S ,Tobago Seasoning and Pineapple Rocoto
The datil only two all and all can't complain .
I have limited space so maybe those that did not germinate is a blessing in disguise.
In any case will sow seed again Monday if the ghost is not up form the grave so to speak lol
Going to soak them next time
moruga welder said:
heck of a list my friend !  a very nice list , will keep you busy this summer , and hope you have a great and abundant grow year !     :onfire:
Hey Frank how's your grow going this year,buddy?
Runescape said:
Nice list, hopefully those seeds germ soon...
mpicante said:
Nice long list.Very nice varieties,Good luck with your grow!
Nice long list.Very nice varieties,Good luck with your grow!
moruga welder said:
heck of a list my friend !  a very nice list , will keep you busy this summer , and hope you have a great and abundant grow year !     :onfire:
Thank you very much and the same to you
Think I am going to have to try again on the bhuts through going to wait just a little while longer then reseed
Well I had a total lost the first try with my ghost soaked seed last night and today seeds are now in the dirt.
I feel good about this time around .
Soaking last of white fatalii and some tobago seasoning seeds.
I picked up a few more flower seed packs and seed trays
English Daisy Double mixed colors
Marigold Dwarf Bolero
Mexican Sunflower Tithonia Torch
Plantguy76 said:
Well I had a total lost the first try with my ghost soaked seed last night and today seeds are now in the dirt.I feel good about this time around .Soaking last of white fatalii and some tobago seasoning seeds.I picked up a few more flower seed packs and seed traysEnglish Daisy Double mixed colorsMarigold Dwarf BoleroMexican Sunflower Tithonia Torch
I hope all these flowers bring in lots of beneficial insects ,bees and butterflies .
Runescape said:
Have you started any of those inside? Or do you plan on starting the seeds outside in spring?
I plan on waiting till spring and plant the flower seed outside then after danger of frost.
Plantguy76 said:
Well I had a total lost the first try with my ghost soaked seed last night and today seeds are now in the dirt.
I feel good about this time around .
Soaking last of white fatalii and some tobago seasoning seeds.
I picked up a few more flower seed packs and seed trays
English Daisy Double mixed colors
Marigold Dwarf Bolero
Mexican Sunflower Tithonia Torch

I hope all these flowers bring in lots of beneficial insects ,bees and butterflies .
Good luck
I,m going the merigold rout as well this year ........so far had a couple of mantises that are usually scarce in my corner 
Van said:
Good luckI,m going the merigold rout as well this year ........so far had a couple of mantises that are usually scarce in my corner
I hope to draw in beneficial wasp to fight the pesky horn worms aphids are always taken care of by ants
Also hope to bring in praying mantisses and lady bug pollinators etc
I hope the mantiss will keep the Japanese beetles in check or get something that will.
Last year I was just vigilant on them and somebody roses drawed the buck away .
My Chilihead cat Boo she tried to get into the top tier of my 4 tier greenhouse while I was away today .
I now have some vent holes hope to patch that sometime later
Trident chilli said:
All the best for this growing season Jason ... great list of varieties will be interested to learn how the PepperLover stuffing SB turns out
Thanks John the same to you on your grow.
I sure will let you know on the stuffing scotch bonnet.
I am going to give a few to a buddy so I will have his input to share as well.

Stuffing Scotch Bonnets

Bahamian Goats in front

Moa Scotch Bonnets to the right to the left my few datil

To the right is White Fatalii & to the left is Peach Bhut S S nine seeds second attempt last try as thats all my seeds .

These are all my Baccatums growing see grow list.

These are Pineapple Rocoto's
I also have red habanero and red mushroom peppers
Probably just give them to my buddy or most of them anyway supposed to hook him up with stuff .
I have some stragglers that have come up they seem weak .
I don't have lights so I know there going to be some legginess.
I got my seeds form totally tomates heres the pack pics along with the freebies

Freebie 1

Freebie 2

Wicked Mike a generous and cool man is going to sort me out on my mixed results.
I hope to repay the favor sometime I am going to send him my remaining stuffing scotch bonnets seeds.
I love his glog and the knowledge he has shared.
I kinda feel like we are all noobs cause there is always something we can learn.
This is a great place to be and I just want to say thank you thp .
So enough rambling decided I am going to use the other side of my place that gets alot of sun too much really but ive solved this going to use castor bean plants for shade