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Jay's Ghost Scorpion - Joyner's Hot Pepper

Yeah, I won't be selling the seeds but trading them to the kind folks here. Maybe next year I will think about selling seeds..BUY POWDERS :)

Then again at that price, each pod would get me $30+ hmmmmmm

You growing the peach variety? ;)

Anybody seen Duffy selling seeds for this cross on facebook?

Says he is the sole distributor.....4th generation plants, should be plenty of pod variation with them.

Posted a link above.
From Jim Duffy about the ghost scorpion, Jim Duffy Chris Jay created them both. His plants are 3rd and 4th going into 4th and 5th generation on both of them. I bought a few hundred pounds of pods and can tell you while sorting through my boxes it was rare to find an off color one in all of the pods. However the elnogated Bhut shape is still the dominant shape although a very twisted lumpy shape. I am saving seed for future seed producing plants only from the most desirable pods and will send seed back to Jay produced by these plants. As I will also be growing out other seed stock for some of the others they want. So we will be working together from now on to make some strains more stable. Jay and his dad are great people! Will have to visit them soon.
Those peppers look amazing! Would love to grow these over here in the UK! Would love to try if any seeds are spare! I have seeds to swap. Superb
ajijoe is friends with the guy that created it i actually met the breeder of this pepper but didnt have along time to talk with him he was busy and i was at the pepper festival picking peppers if any of you would like to know more about this strain joe would be the guy to ask not anyone else besides jay that is but he isnt on here soif joe didnt know the answer he could probably find it out.
ajijoe is friends with the guy that created it i actually met the breeder of this pepper but didnt have along time to talk with him he was busy and i was at the pepper festival picking peppers if any of you would like to know more about this strain joe would be the guy to ask not anyone else besides jay that is but he isnt on here soif joe didnt know the answer he could probably find it out.
Actually Jim Duffy got a few hundred pounds from them and got all the info so I am good. I had already asked ajijoe...thanks for the info however
Taste is good, heat is hot and I only got about 25 pods from a single plant this year. That said, I dug the plant up, washed the roots clean and slammed it in a 1 gallon pot. It is in my basement with 3 other plants and now stating to show life. The 7 Pot Brown and 7 Pot Jonah are doing awesome but the Chocolate Ghost died. If the Ghost Scorpion does well all winter I should be well ahead of the game, I also have seeds in soil awaiting germination.
Oh, thats sad, did your other superhots do better in comparison? 25 Pods isn't that much.
Well this was one plant I did not grow from seed so it was nothing compared to the ones I raised. the short answer is yes on other super hots, tons of pods and harvest this year. Check out my GLOG.
