Jays Red Ghost Ripe?

I think I've been leaving my Bhut Jolokias on the plant a little to long and have lost a few to the birds, confirmed its not my chickens since they are on lockdown.  These are my first two Jays red ghost, are they ready to pull?  I dont think Ill get many of this pepper from my three plants so I dont want to waste any.  Obviously, I'm new at this so this may be the norm but these two went from green to completely yellow then started turning red from stem to tip.  My other reds seem to go from green to red and I wasn't sure if the interim yellow was a common occurrence on this pepper.
Thanks everyone,
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I'd say they are ready to pull but do not look like Jay's yet at least. maybe later pods will be more true. Good luck!
Thanks that was another question that I typed and deleted, figured it would be pointed out :)  I read through your Glog and mine look nothing like what you posted.  Also to confirm since I may be incorrectly naming these and making the assumption there is only one Jays red ghost, these were labeled as Jays red ghost scorpion?   I just pulled two of them, additional shot. 

JoynersHotPeppers said:
They kind of look like my Naga Morich pods but so hard to tell now a days... 
I thought the same thing.  I guess Ill hold off on saving seeds with hopes of getting said peppers next year and see if I can find seeds or pods a little more true to the line.  Now time to see how these taste, I really need to find another taste tester for this :)
Beautiful and nasty looking pods, whatever they are!!! Save the seeds as "Not Jay's Red Ghost" if not certain. Whatever grows from them will be well worth it!
there is so much pod variation depending on so many factors, if they were op maybe the are jays and something else, they definately are not morich i can say that much nagas are more conical shaped those a flatened like many of the sevens, but they dont look far from jays but the next round of pods may tell, either way they look great! im sure they will be hot and delicious! :onfire:
oh and PS if you need some one to taste your pods for ya im willing to bite the bullet, its a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it!  ;)
chile_freak said:
there is so much pod variation depending on so many factors, if they were op maybe the are jays and something else, they definately are not morich i can say that much nagas are more conical shaped those a flatened like many of the sevens, but they dont look far from jays but the next round of pods may tell, either way they look great! im sure they will be hot and delicious! :onfire:
oh and PS if you need some one to taste your pods for ya im willing to bite the bullet, its a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it!  ;)
Well I use to be able to stomach just about anything.  Then I had 18 inches of intestine and half my gut removed and now extremely hot foods will almost certainly make me blow up, ready that how you will :)  I do however have a family member that I have watched eat the hottest peppers I've ever had and barely break a sweat.  Hes getting a few of these this year so I can test him.  Time to figure out the amount of peppers to use for salsa, my normal uses serrano's, jalapenos and scotch bonnets so Ill have to work on the ratio of hotter peppers so no children are harmed.