• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

JayT's Grow Log 2012

I know I know I'm the hot sauce guy. The cooking food with hot stuff guy. The guy who likes beer and microwave hot dogs :lol:. Some of you probably don't even know that I grow peppers. This year, I am going to show you.

1 January 2012. Meager Beginnings.


Grow List:

Tray 1.

Bhut Jolokia
Peach Bhut
Chocolate Bhut
Purple Bhut
7 Pot Brain Strain
7 Pot Douglah
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T (thanks Butch)
Mulo De Tiro (thanks Nova)
BikerBilly Jalapeno (thanks AJ)
Naga Morich
Peach Hab

Each cell planted with two seeds. I Planted six of each variety (twelve seeds total). Grow light and heat map set on low. Trying something a little different with this Burpee Germinating kit, so going to have to keep an eye on this. I have a target soil temp of 85F-87F for germination.
plants looking ready for plantout Jay...great going...and good luck the rest of the season...
Yeah same here Dan. The leaf compost shows up on the 27th, then I will work in what I am then plant. Flower beds get their leaf compost when I get time this year :rofl:

Looking great Jay.
After a rainy cold day inside yesterday. I let the kids out for five hours this afternoon. Looking great. It was a little cooler, less sunny, and almost no wind so no wilting this time.
You wrong siders have a sooner date than me. I have had mine outside quite a few times but not for more than a day. Sending some good sunny weather your way today Jay. Looks like a quick cold snap then some solid weather early May. Good luck.
I'm gonna give them another day outside today. The weather should be just like yesterday. Colder and rain the next two days, so they will probably spend the weekend inside. I am still hoping for plant out next weekend.
I thought these babies would be in there permanent home by now, but mother nature has not cooperated nor does she seem to want to this week. Still hardening them off. They are ready to go now, but the rain/thunderstorms forecast for the next couple days will make me err on the side of caution. Hopefully this weekend. I definitely should have had a fan on them, they do not like the wind much. Reminder for self to next year...




Those seedlings are beautiful. Almost makes ya have that bitter sweet hesitancy when thinking about letting them spread their branchs out in the great unknown. All the elements of mother nature just waiting for them to leave the safety of indoor life. Good wishes to you this season!