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JayT's NYE partyline.


Oh they are definitely oiled and ready!
Did I miss the pah-tay?

Sheesh, go to a movie for the first time in....(huh...can't remember the last movie I saw. Honestly.)...
Anyway, the party is all done by the time I get here. :mope:
HNY, Pauly!

Oh seeing you here gave me a great idea for new years day. Got a tub of horrible deli pasta salad that needs to be disposed of.
The Hot Pepper said:
he only shoots potato salad!
Thats right. But, The only potato salad ever in our house is homemade and definitely not target material.

I stopped at the only other grocery store in the valley this evening, really needed a bite to eat, sugars going all wonky, and I'd already shot up anticipating a dinner out. Got a tub of garlic penne pasta salad.

Now I am not a gourmet, by anyones standards. (Note the proper usage of the word.) But this salad was sooo bad...3 bites and that was it. Let the sugars tank, I ain't eating that! Left it in the back of the car.....it will be disposed of properly. ;)

Edit-sugars and wonky and shooting up is in reference to diabetes.