• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Jeff's glog 2013- Season is over.

So this is a little late in the year to start a glog, but what the heck, better late than never.

Last week I picked a few plants to take inside over the winter and I started a bunch of new seedlings that seem to be doing great.


Here we have a Hot paper lantern, and orange hab and two jalapenos. They were the only ones that made the cut to get taken to the new grow room. The paper lantern is a favorite because it is as hot as the orange hab, but without that hab flavor that I am not a huge fan of. I guess the only real reason the orange hab is here is if I decide to make a hot sauce over the winter and need a citrus tasting pepper. Other than that, I'm not a big fan. the japs were kept because the local grocery store can't seem to stock japs with any heat at all.

These are the seedlings planted in the last few weeks.


There are Bhuts, Fataliis, Tobasco, and Bohemian peppers. I have more seeds due to arrive in a day or two that should have some Butch Ts, giant jalapenoes, roma tomatoes and Cilantro.

The goal of that seed batch is to keep enough fresh tomato and peppers to make scalding hot salsa all winter long.

I plan on putting the tomato plant in a hanging arrangement in the corner of the room.


this is the first paper lantern to ripen under the HPS light. It looks more orange than red. The ones from the summer were bright red...I wonder if it has something to do with the light, or maybe it needs to ripen a bit more.

That's all for now. I'll post an update when I have more time.
Update time. 
Hydro Scorp is getting out of control. 52" tall and about 40" wide loaded with pods. 

Here is one zoomed out a bit. 

Pod shots:

Dirt scorp is doing really well too, but no where near the size of the hydro one. 

A couple Moruga shots on my pair of plants. 

And now for something completely different, a non scorpion :eek:
Paper lantern is finally ripening. 

And, Oh my god, a Monzano flower. FINALLY I might get some monzano pods. I thought Chinense were slow, but these monzanos have them beat by a month. 

Great looking Scorpions!  The Paper Lantern looks great, as well.  I'm with Shane on the hydro thing.  Definitely have to try it with one or two plants next year!
stc3248 said:
Man...I gotta try hydro! Congrats on the Manzano flower! Looking really great Jeff!
This is a first year for me in the hydro and I'm pretty happy with the progress of most plants. The monzano is the only one growing like crap, the other ones are doing well with the scorp the clear leader of the pack. I was stoked to finally see a couple flowers on that monzano.
Dot Com said:
yes. Nice looking grow you got going. Large spaced- out pots and watering system too? Looks very efficient
Thanks, I took the inspiration from Shane and Doc but I added a twist that my watering system also fills the hydro reservoir with a float activated switch.
DocNrock said:
Great looking Scorpions!  The Paper Lantern looks great, as well.  I'm with Shane on the hydro thing.  Definitely have to try it with one or two plants next year!
Thanks for stopping in Doc. It is fun taking pictures of the plants that are doing well and fruit that is actually ripening. Not all the plants are that good. I have a scotch bonnet that I'm having a battle of wills with and it is winning. Green full sized pods for about a month with no thoughts of ripening. It is maddening so I'm glad to see some of them doing well. Same with the tobascos. I have enough to fill a gallon bag on the plants for almost a month, but none ripe.
The hydro thing is fun but is definitely a learning experience. Next year I will be doing a few things differently but it will be mostly the same set up.
I did my end of the week picking last night and I had more ripe pods than I knew. Especially the very prolific fataliis.
I know it isn't a cornucopia, I couldn't find one of those and the strainer was all I had.

All separated. From the top right, my first ripe moruga (that one is scary), yellow brains, fataliis, TSBT, cayenne, paper lanterns, tobasco and red habs.
With this haul I have filled my first gallon freezer bag of yellow brains. It will be a hot hot fall in my house.
I've been out of town for a week. Came home to find that the irrigation system and the hydroponics system survived perfectly well without any oversight for a week. Everything looked alive and healthy. 
Pics of the harvest  pulled today. 
Overall shot

Red Paper lantern habs. 

More yellow brain strains

Only about a 3rd of teh fataliis. They were the last of the plants I picked today and I was worn out. I'll pick the rest later. 

Tabascos and my solitary red Moruga. I've only harvested a few of these all year but there are plenty of green ones on the plant waiting to ripen. Same with the Tabascos, there are hundreds of green pods but they are being stubborn and not ripening. 

More scorpion BT. 

A few jalapenos and some yellow 7 pots. 

and lastly, some hot wax peppers. 

Okay, the hydroponic plants are a jungle. Below are some pics from today. 
The largest of my plants continues to be this TSBT. It is now topping 4'-8" and is just as wide. This thing is amazing. Once I start trimming it back for the winter and making clones, they will be from this one.. 

Tabasco, larger than the soil ones, but not by much. 

Red paper lanterns

Tabasco right, yellow brain center, yellow 7 and paper lantern left. 

A shot from the top on the other side. Monzano bottom, yellow 7 middle and yellow brain top. 

Ghost pepper with a ton of green pods but the only ones I have had turn red have been from the soil Bhuts. 

Pod shots. My largest and slightly deformed Monzano. 

Scorp harvest off of the one plant in the first pic. This thing is out of control. 

Thats all for now. 
The last two hauls. 
This one from Thursday. Clockwise from top left: Ghost, Morugas, not 7pot yellow, Paper Lantern, TSBT and Tabasco. 

Today: Not yellow 7 pots, Morugas, Yellow brain strains, TSBT, Tabasco, Ghost, Pequin, a few sad cayenne and Paper Lantern. 
Couple of pics of the Scorpion. 
 think it is about as big as it is going to get. It now measures a full 60 inches, which is only a few more than 3 weeks ago. There is a bazillion pods on it too. 


The vast majority of yesterday's harvest of Scorps was from this one plant. It is responsible for two gallon freezer bags full in the freezer and probably has two more on the plant,. I have 3 other scorp plants, but this one has put out more than the other 4 combined. 
Doing a couple of test powders and sauces to burn up the tons of superhots I have in the garden. 1st up is some smoking in my little $29.00 smoker. 
I put a small electric burner in there to keep it cooler than charcoal. Seemed to work well enough, but the AL pan didn't conduct heat well so I'll need to change that out next time. 

Morugas, yellow brainstrains, ghost and TSBT. This is going to be a really hot and smokey powder. Aptly named the smoked superhots!
I let them smoke away for two hours. The smoke wasn't very intense, but it did smell really good. 
I took a small jar and stuffed an assortment in there with some vinegar to make a sauce out of later when I have more time. I moved the rest into the dehydrator and ground them up. 

Smells wonderful and as far as the burn lets just say that a little goes a long way. 
This experiment was a success. Good thing too because I have plenty more supers to process and the freezer is about full with all of the space that the wife will let me have. :D 
Looking good Jeff!
I was just wondering what I could do with an electri burner I found tucked away in the basement. Now, maybe my wife and kids won't complain as much if keep the peppers out of the oven/warming drawer. Some people just don't appreciate the smell of peppers smoking/deydrating/etc!
I didn't know you had 7 pot yellows?! Let me know if or when you get any extra pods. I'm out of my y7pot jonahs in frozen, dried & powder... I loved that variety.
Brutaldiver said:
Looking good Jeff!
I was just wondering what I could do with an electri burner I found tucked away in the basement. Now, maybe my wife and kids won't complain as much if keep the peppers out of the oven/warming drawer. Some people just don't appreciate the smell of peppers smoking/deydrating/etc!
I didn't know you had 7 pot yellows?! Let me know if or when you get any extra pods. I'm out of my y7pot jonahs in frozen, dried & powder... I loved that variety.
They are labeled as 7 pots on the seeds I got from pepperlover but they  only have the heat of a habanero or SB. I think they are some type of SB cross. You are welcome to try one when you come over. 
Cool harvest photos....
The plants look loaded for more pickin's in the near future.
Starting small with the smoking process is a good idea....fine what works then go big.
Have fun with the rest of the season.
It has been about a month since I updated this thread. Since I last posted, the season has been quickly winding down. I've been doing the final harvests over the last week and will finish sometime in the next week or two depending on the temperature.
A few pick of some of the things I have been up to:
Got some seeds from Baker's peppers. I'll be starting the Fatalii gourmet jigsaw grow in about a month and I'll probably grow the reaper too. 

Bodeen sent me a cool box of hot peppers. Love those yellow bhuts. Thanks Jeff.

Made some salsa for those cool nights.

Made some Scorpion puree for those really really cold nights.

I did the final harvest of all of the yellow brainstrains the other day. Their season is done.

These Butch T's never seem to stop coming from the hydro plant. Over 100 here and I just harvested this plant the week before.

A deformed but yummy first monzano. I'll over winter both plants for sure.

This is an experiment for a low maintenance hydroponic system to over winter semi dormant plants on a windowsill. 50% pete and 50% perlite and a chopped bhut jolokai. The pic is about 3 weeks old and the sheared back bhut is showing tons of new growth. Right now I am feeding it 1/4 strength nutes, maybe once a week or so. I need to get an updated pic posted up here. The pete moss retains an amazing amount of moisture and the chopped plant hardly takes any nutrients up.

Probably too much peat moss though. 2/3 perlite is probably the right amount to get enough drainage and air to the roots without having to add nutes every 6 hours like you would with straight perlite. I'll end up with 5-6 plants like this for the winter if things work out right.
With lows into the 30's, it is time to wrap this season up.
After some serious pruning of branches and roots, here is most of the over winter crew. I have a few more but they are inside already. It is funny to see a plant large enough for a 7 gallon pot and now it fits in a 1 gallon root pouch.

Large pile of soil from 50 potted plants.

And finally, all of the plants before they got mulched for the compost pile.

It has been a good year and the freezer is full. Now to start making plans for next year. Round 1 of seed germination starts in November.
Jeff sorry for not getting here sooner, been a crazy busy year.
Looks like you did really well this year and had great success.
I hope the OW's do well for you.
BTW I have a brother in Vermillion, where are you location wise to him?