Jigsaw - anyone got flowers or pods yet???

Just wondering if anyone has Jigsaw plants flowering or pod-ing up. 
Mine is only about 8-10" tall so far, Only got one to germinate.
I know somebody that has pods. He says he going to send me one. I hope he comes through. He also mentioned that the seeds are yet another unstable cross and I have heard of the low germination %. I hope your plant grows true!
Dude, you are getting the BEST stuff to review. That is awesome - good for you!!! I can`t wait to see the damage!
My plant is very healthy,  but who knows what it will finally produce! 
All these crosses that are unstable, but marketed as stable, are really beginning to piss me off. That and all the unwanted hybrids. 
Nigel said:
Dude, you are getting the BEST stuff to review. That is awesome - good for you!!! I can`t wait to see the damage!
My plant is very healthy,  but who knows what it will finally produce! 
All these crosses that are unstable, but marketed as stable, are really beginning to piss me off. That and all the unwanted hybrids. 

I am confused, you say all the crosses are unstable, and then something about unwanted hybrids. They are one in the same cross=hybrid......right?

Also a simple solution the selling aspect of unstable hybrids/crosses, they will no longer sell the unstables if people would quit buying them.

there you go, nice and tidy.
armac said:
I am confused, you say all the crosses are unstable, and then something about unwanted hybrids. They are one in the same cross=hybrid......right?
Also a simple solution the selling aspect of unstable hybrids/crosses, they will no longer sell the unstables if people would quit buying them.
there you go, nice and tidy.
There's no way that will happen, Chilies are like technology now days, people will always want the latest and greatest, even if it means it's unstable.
armac said:
I am confused, you say all the crosses are unstable, and then something about unwanted hybrids. They are one in the same cross=hybrid......right?

Also a simple solution the selling aspect of unstable hybrids/crosses, they will no longer sell the unstables if people would quit buying them.

there you go, nice and tidy.
No, what I said was all these crosses marketed as stable, then found to be unstable after you buy seeds and grow them out are pissing me off. I`m complaining about being told they are stable, then finding otherwise.
Unwanted crosses are when you buy 7-pot douglah seeds and the plants throw red pods. 
Nigel said:
No, what I said was all these crosses marketed as stable, then found to be unstable after you buy seeds and grow them out are pissing me off. I`m complaining about being told they are stable, then finding otherwise.
Unwanted crosses are when you buy 7-pot douglah seeds and the plants throw red pods. 
There's a red "douglah" sitting just outside my window.  Half a year of waiting, and bam!  Blood red, thick walled fruit.  Oh well.  It'll be replaced with a cumari do para just as soon as I find a source of pods.
McDermott claims he made a review, he also says it's the worst tasting pepper he had to spit it out. He'll soon post up the video hopefully.

If that's the case then I gotta say wow... just wow. I hope to see some more thoughts and possibly reviews. Hopefully it's not as bad it's said it is.

, Walter
There will be 2 or 3 reviews up this week. Not sure who got them, but a vendor has some and sent the couple out to be reviewed.
MGOLD86 said:
There will be 2 or 3 reviews up this week. Not sure who got them, but a vendor has some and sent the couple out to be reviewed.
I`m on John`s list, so should get one when he has a ripe one. Did you get one, Matt?