• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

JIGSAW Community Grow 2014


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This isnt the thread for replies about the giveaway...its in the other thread listed above :)
And it requires at least 1,000 posts by the member to qualify.
Dale Jr
megahot said:
Great idea Dale! Will post pics of my Jigsaw grow. Thanks again for the opportunity
No problem! Thanks for being a THP.com member and for trying your hand at growing the JIGSAW! :D I was once a newbie here a while back and im just trying to give back to some of the veterans here on THP.com who have helped me along the way! :D
Dale Jr
WalkGood said:
Should be an interesting thread, doesn't John (sawyer) and Cris (of the desert) have some nice jigsaw's already going strong? 
I have one plant, Ramon.  It's doing well, but I don't have a non-blurry picture of the pods.  It gets fed tomorrow and I'll try to remember to take a picture tomorrow.
Ok :)
Im going to kick off this GLOG with my very own JIGSAW seeds that i started about 3 days ago :) Just a couple trays worth..im starting more in about a month or so too :) Pics below.......
This is my normal potting mix. I use it on seeds, pot ups, everything! :) If im growing it, its growing in THIS soil mix! :D
Dale Jr
To be continued...........


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millworkman said:
Can't wait!
You and me both my man! Thats the thing...growing in Florida i can start seeds year round and grow them right along just the same in October as in March and all in between! :) It REALLY helps for year round production to keep the members here, along with my own base, happy all year long with fresh peppers! Its kinda awesome just a little! :D
Devv said:
Wow you're going to be rolling in them!
I sure hope so...from talking to Jukka Kilpinen, the creator out of Finland, I have learned that these are supposed to be FREAKIN HOT HOT HOT! Big pods, mean like a Moruga....I cant wait :D
Bodeen said:
Only 142 cells planted???  Rookie!!! LOL
Awesome looking start, can't wait for my package to arrive so I can start a couple of these now and then start the rest in the January like normal!!!
LOL :)
I will have about 500 of these growing before spring 2014...thats all i plan to grow as im not certain how they will turn out...everything costs $$! :D If they do well and people like them i will keep about 1500 of them on the property at all times...we shall see :)
Dale Jr