Jimmy Nardellos

My plant is podding up, and I'd like to know when these peppers are mature to pick, since I've never grown them before. Do they turn red? How long is a mature pod? Thanks.
Grilled, fried, raw, in other dishes and everything in between. Awesome sweet variety. They are great stuffed in every way, but especially stuffed with cheese and battered and fried. 
I've noticed mine seem to get sweeter when left on the plant after they turn red. If I harvest within a day or two of turning fully red, they are not as sweet as when they are allowed to remain on the plant for an additional couple of days. This takes great willpower though, because they are incredibly tempting. You must continue to resist however. Good luck with it.
Has anybody experienced their Jimmy's turning brown before they go red?  That's exactly what mine is doing.
Edit: I don't mean to imply that mine indeed go from brown to red.  This is my first pod on the plant to start ripening, so I don't know if it will go from brown to red or not.  That's the question I am asking.  Will it go from brown to red, or do I have a cross/mutation?


I prefer to saute my Jimmy unless they are going in a salad.  It makes the pepper sweeter and the skins don't run all around in your mouth when you eat them.  
Dark red is the best.  If you give some away to a non hot pepper lover, make sure if you're growing cayennes, you have them marked lol.
compmodder26 said:
Has anybody experienced their Jimmy's turning brown before they go red?  That's exactly what mine is doing.
Edit: I don't mean to imply that mine indeed go from brown to red.  This is my first pod on the plant to start ripening, so I don't know if it will go from brown to red or not.  That's the question I am asking.  Will it go from brown to red, or do I have a cross/mutation?
Mine all do. Enjoy that one.
compmodder26 said:
It indeed went from brown to red. I picked it last week and it was delicious. Great sweetness to it.
Heck yeah! Good stuff. Mine just loaded up with pods this last week. I think I stimulated it by harvesting the energy-suckers that were half ripe forever.