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Josh's Pepper Plants '09

Noshownate said:
nice work theyre josh looks like some happy plants!

Thanks. I just wish I had planted them in the ground from the get go.

beandip said:
They look very nice.

Thanks. The Douglah in the raised bed is yellowing a bit but since it is the end of the season I am not worried.

chillilover said:
Your nagas look like Bhuts. I was the other way around, wanted to grow bhuts and ended up with naga morich. Your fatalis look like my naga morich. Have you had any ripe ones yet? Do they ripen red or yellow?

Yea the Nagas do look very similar to my Bhuts. They are a bit smaller. The plant is also more compact whereas my two Bhut plants seem to have a wider spread. Here is a shot of my Dorset Nagas which I believe look more like what you are talking about.



The Fataliis have grown true. I ordered them from peppergal. They are in this picture here.


Omri said:
Cool new avatar. :)

Hey thanks. It is nothing special, but the old one was terrible.

millworkman said:
WOW, they have really taken off in the last month havent they. Nice work Josh, sorry it has to end.

Thanks. Yea the end of the season is a bummer but that is the way it goes I guess. It would be nice to have a geenhouse that's for sure.
Well, my season if officially over. This past Sunday I removed all my plants and harvested the remaining decent sized pods. I have been harvesting pods at the first sign of ripening so I was left with mainly green pods. I have spread them out on my dinning room table to ripen up a bit. Here is a shot.


Now that my season is complete, I will begin to send out seeds in the coming weeks. If I had promised you seeds and have not sent you a PM please let me know.
Ciao Josh-

Have you had good success getting unripe pods to ripen that way? I figured that with peppers, you harvest them green, they're not going anywhere but green and then shriveled at room temperature. Duane's got a boatload of green Fresnos still on those plants and I'm thinking that, at this point, there's no way they're going to ripen on the plant.
Great season Josh!
I'll try and keep you and other Northern area gardeners entertained with my pics untill your next season begins :)

Cheers and good luck next season!
Sorellina said:
Ciao Josh-

Have you had good success getting unripe pods to ripen that way? I figured that with peppers, you harvest them green, they're not going anywhere but green and then shriveled at room temperature. Duane's got a boatload of green Fresnos still on those plants and I'm thinking that, at this point, there's no way they're going to ripen on the plant.

Well, I usually let pods that aren't fully ripe ripen on the countertop. This is more of a long shot. I am trying to let as many ripen as possible or at least begin to blush. Several that were completely green have begun to turn, but the majority are still green. I will go through them all again on Saturday and decide which ones will stay or go.

FadeToBlack said:
Great season Josh!
I'll try and keep you and other Northern area gardeners entertained with my pics until your next season begins :)

Cheers and good luck next season!

Thanks a lot. Yea I am sure going to need your pics to keep me from planting seeds prematurely.