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Josh's Plants & Pods 2011

I figure since it is almost June I better start a grow log. Things have been going OK. While still inside, the plants were looking good. For some reason I decided to flush the pots. Since they had been recently potted up, they took forever to dry out. During that drying period I experienced some yellowing. Shortly after that they went outside. The wet weather didn't help things. I had them hardened off and actually in the ground on May 9th. Kind of early for my area but I figured they would do better in the ground than water-logged pots. They have rebounded a bit but still need some sunny dry weather to be picture worthy.
I do however have some pictures of a Bahamian Goat Pepper plant I started at the end of September. It grew really healthy in a flood and drain system but I could never get the flowers to set pods. In February I chopped both the roots and the canopy way back before planting it in a #5 nursery container. Once my seedlings took over the grow box it was moved in front of a window in the spare bedroom. It grew leggy from poor lighting so I chopped it back again before putting it outside. During the second cut back I left the small section that was growing closest to the window. That section has since set pods. Here are some pictures...

I apologize for the crappy pictures as well as being long winded in the intro. The pictures I took this morning and didn't realize they were crappy until I uploaded them this evening. Hopefully I will have some better pictures in the near future. Thanks for looking.
....some pictures of a Bahamian Goat Pepper plant I started at the end of September......In February I chopped both the roots and the canopy way back before planting it in a #5 nursery container..... It grew leggy from poor lighting so I chopped it back again before putting it outside..... .
Pardon my editing but I was interested in this as a possible treatment for overwintering plants, as well as early starts like yours. Sounds like you really put some effort there.

That's a happy plant, maybe best early pods in New Jersey? Nice.... :cool: Can't wait to see the rest of the 'outdoor' class once weather settles, if ever.
There lookin goot, I wish i didn't ruin my cam, or I would have some cool pics

Thanks. Sorry to hear about your camera.

Very nice Josh! I think the pics look great!
And ya got some nice poddage going on there!!!! :dance:


Thanks Kevin. I guess I did exaggerate a bit. The problem I have with the pics is there is just too much green on green. I may set it on my driveway or something for another shot.

Pardon my editing but I was interested in this as a possible treatment for overwintering plants, as well as early starts like yours. Sounds like you really put some effort there.

That's a happy plant, maybe best early pods in New Jersey? Nice.... :cool: Can't wait to see the rest of the 'outdoor' class once weather settles, if ever.

Thanks for the nice comments. I am certainly looking forward to early pods. I babied the Goat Pepper while I had it in the hydro set up but after that it was somewhat neglected. Sometimes I over watered and other times I under watered. I would imagine you could overwinter plants easily under fluorescent lights if you just kept them trimmed.

Here is a shot of it before I cut it back...

Here is a shot of it after the first time I cut it back. I removed most of the foliage in this picture after I cut back the roots and planted it in potting soil.

Here is a shot of the roots before I cut them back...

Nice healthy looking plants Josh

Thanks a lot. The young plants could be doing better so it is nice to have one decent plant around producing pods.

Really nice looking plant there Josh, should produce well for you

Thank you. I hope so. The rest of the plant is now starting to flower as well. I can't wait for ripe pods.
Looks great Josh

P. Dreadie

they look awesome :dance:

Josh, plants are looking nice and healthy. Hope the rest of the growing season is good to u!

Howdy Josh,

Plants look super, those pics of the roots are awesome. :dance:


Thanks for the compliments everyone. Hopefully, in say two weeks, I will have pictures of all my plants. The past two days have been sunny and you can tell they have grown a lot already. I am glad we are done with all that rain. At least I hope it is done.
Amazing josh growing the Bahamian Goat pepper in the flood and drain just sorry you didn't get any fruit. It would be so cool to have your favorite plant producing peppers year round in a hydro bucket just wish we could figure out the trick. Looks like there was plenty of roots and foliage to support pepper production under a HID lamp is all we can really give them, maybe they just need the big halide in the sky and nothing else will work. Whatever the plant looks tremendous now and looks to put out a huge amount of pods for you. Will be watching for the rest of your garden pics when they perk up in the sunny weather. :)
Amazing josh growing the Bahamian Goat pepper in the flood and drain just sorry you didn't get any fruit. It would be so cool to have your favorite plant producing peppers year round in a hydro bucket just wish we could figure out the trick. Looks like there was plenty of roots and foliage to support pepper production under a HID lamp is all we can really give them, maybe they just need the big halide in the sky and nothing else will work. Whatever the plant looks tremendous now and looks to put out a huge amount of pods for you. Will be watching for the rest of your garden pics when they perk up in the sunny weather. :)

Thanks Cappy. I really don't know what went wrong with the hydro grow. I think it was the low humidity but who knows. The plant sure had enough flowers but it just would not set any pods even with two fans blowing air in a 5'x3' box. I even tried hand pollinating but nothing seemed to work. I don't think I was over fertilizing but you never know because it was my first hydro grow. I think if that was the case the leaves would have been much darker though. The plant itself sure looked happy enough.

Of course as soon as I put it outside it set pods. Go figure. Chopped way back (twice) and neglected made it happy.
Things are starting to come along here in NJ. The weather hasn't been the greatest. The rain hasn't been heavy but it has been regular. I had a bit of a bacterial leaf spot scare (or something like it, who knows). I picked off every leaf with a spot on it for several days. It appears to be gone but we shall see in the coming weeks. My leaf removal has left a few plants somewhat bare. They certainly are not as full as they should or would have been. Oh well though, that is part of gardening.

I started off this thread with photos of what was supposed to be a Bahamian Goat Pepper. I have since come to find out that it is some type of cross. The few early pods have ripened to red. Chris if you read this is there any chance you remember what other plants were near your goat peppers. I know that is probably a crazy request based on how many varieties you grow.

Here are some shots of the Bahamian Goat Pepper CROSS. It doesn't appear to have grown much since my last photos but...
I had it in a #3 Nursery Pot and we randomly experienced temperatures in the 90s. The pot was root bound and as a result it could not make it the day without completely drying out. There was a lot of leaf drop as well as yellowing on the remaining leaves. I have since potted the plant up and removed most of the yellow leaves. She is now starting to come back around.

An overall shot of the plant...


Here is a shot of the early pods. They are smaller and more rounded than the pods that are setting now.



Here are two pictures of the pods that have recently set. They are a little more elongated and pointy.


Now onto the raised beds...

In this long bed I have 16 plants. Fooled You Jalapeno Hybrid x2, Super Chilli Hybrid, unknown store bought sweet pepper, Ariane Hybrid, Early Sunsation Hybrid, Kung Pao, Thai Orange, Thai Super Hot, Golden Cayenne, CGN 21500, Petenero, Fatalii, Bonda ma Jaques, Trinidad Douglah, and Douglah X Scorpion.

In this smaller bed I have Chocolate Bhut, Bahamian Goat Pepper, Yellow 7 Pod, and 7 Pod Primo.

I also have an Aconcagua, Super Red Pimento, Antillais Caribbean, Ariane Hybrid, and Early Sunsation Hybrid behind my pool. I didn't take any pictures of them though.

Here is a shot of another Bahamian Goat Pepper I have going in my raised bed. I hope this one grows true. Thanks for the seeds Chris.

Here is a shot of my Yellow 7 Pod. Thanks for the seeds SS.

Chocolate Bhut starting to fill back in after picking a lot of leaves off. Thanks for the seeds Nice_Bhut? I am sorry but I cannot remember exactly who gave me these. I do remember though that Chocolate Bhuts were the only peppers this member grew last season.

Here is a Douglah X Scorpion cross I received from SS. Thanks for the seeds. I am going to bag some blossoms. I will post pod shots when they show up. If you want I will be more than happy to send you some isolated seeds back. Let me know.


Super Chilli Hybrid...

You cannot really see it in this shot but this variety (Super Chilli Hybrid) really loads up.


Kung Pao

Your plants are looking mighty fine Josh, you've got that raised bed growing down pat.

Its been wet here lately too, rained for the past four days, today is the first dry one, but freakin' hot.