• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Joyner's Hot Pepper Powders 2014 GLOG

As of now here is the somewhat final list for the 2014 growing season...the 7 pot red has a question mark because I am waiting to see if I can use a 1/2 acre in Va of my uncles and isolate. It is very hard to leave over 100 different varieties in the seed bin and not grow them all out!
Best of luck to everyone and I plan to get seeds started in the next few days.
Honestly I have no idea if it helps but it makes a wonderful photo op! I have grown with and without soaking and had very successful result both ways. 
Those are plastic shot glasses and they are for epic parties that involve eating too much and a smoker!
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Honestly I have no idea if it helps but it makes a wonderful photo op! I have grown with and without soaking and had very successful result both ways. 
Those are plastic shot glasses and they are for epic parties that involve eating too much and a smoker!
Sounds great! Go ahead an put me on the guest list for one of your next parties ;)
Allright Chris, good luck getting your grow off the ground.
The first thing I thought when I saw the pic was rows of
shots ready for a party!
Looks good Chris, but no pics??
And how do you get the spreadsheet to post? I've tried a few times and can't get it to work.