• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

JoynersHotPeppers 2013 GLOG

In the for winter are:

Jay's Ghost Scorpion - RED
7 Pot Jonah
7 Pot - BROWN

The grow from seed list:

Brain Strain - RED - Seed from a pod from Judy if memeory serves me correct
Carolina Reaper - Seed from PepperJoe
Jay's Ghost Scorpion - RED - Seeds from plant above

To be continued...

As of today here are how things are looking - 12/05/12

7 Pot Brown is fighting leaf drop, white flies seem likely and it has been treated. It still wanted to give me fruit.


7 Pot Brown


7 Pot Brown


Jay's Ghost Scorpion - RED


7 Pot Jonah


7 Pot Jonah





Annuum List

Cayenne Indonesian
Chiltepin Amarillo
Jalapeno Black
Jalapeno Early
Jalapeno Giant
Jalapeno Purple
Rooster Spur
Thai #00419-2551 F1 Hybrid
Thai #00554-2553 F1 Hybrid
Thai (2005) Large Red
Thai Cross (Orange)
Thai Dragon
Thai Hazelwood
Thai Norcal
Thai Orange
Thai Prik Che Fah
Thai Prik Jinda
Thai Prik Key GNU - Chaiprakarn F1
Thai Prik Key GNU - HOM
Thai Prik Key GNU - SUAN
Thai Prik Kjinda Dang
Thai Prik Mon Dum
Thai Prik NUM
Thai Prik Sod Dang F1
Thai Prik York
Thai Prikkinu Pedsiam F1 Hybrid
Thai Prik-Mondang Red Eagle F1
Thai Red
Thai Super Hot
Thai Yellow


Lemon Drop


7 POT Brain Strain Red
7 POT Brain Strain Yellow
7 POT Brown
7 POT Burgandy
7 POT Jonah
7 POT Red
7 POT Rennie
7 POT Trinidad Douglah
7 POT Yellow
Bahamian Goat Pepper
Bhut Jolokia
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate
Bhut Jolokia Giant
Bhut Jolokia Giant Yellow
Bhut Jolokia Peach
Bhut Jolokia White
Bhut Jolokia Yellow
Billy Boy Jonah
Butch T
Chocolate Morouga (Unstable 2)
Chocolate Morouga (Unstable 1)
Chocolate Scotch
Chocolate Unknown
Douglah X Chocolate Scorpion
Hot Jamican
Infinity Monster
Jay's Ghost Scorpion
Mako Akoksrade
Morouga Scorpion
Mystery Chocolate
Naga Morich
Naga Viper
Scotch Bonnet
Tazmanian Habanero
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga
White Habanero
Wine Unknown


Thai Hot
Looking great as always Chris. 
Question on drying pods.  Do you seed them first?  I was seeding everything towards the beginning of the season, but when the big harvests started coming in I just didnt have the time (or didnt wanna spend the time..lol).  I really dont know if i notice much of a difference when I grind them down, but what do you do?  I spotted some seeds in those Thai pods, so I wanted to ask.

I only deseed the perfect pods for seed collection. When I dry many of the seeds fall out and one in their home prior to grinding most all seeds comes out. The ones that remain are ground, I cannot tell and I have tested both. Could you imagine taking the seeds out of over 10 pounds of Thai pods? OMG!!!!
Nice! ;)

That's a nice last haul, sucks that its getting cold but at least you have those to keep you going through the winter. What are you planning to do with them, salsa, powder, seeds, stews?
Penny said:
Nice! ;)

That's a nice last haul, sucks that its getting cold but at least you have those to keep you going through the winter. What are you planning to do with them, salsa, powder, seeds, stews?
Actually that is just from one area and 20 plants. I have the other 60 or so to pick now :) I always save a few to freeze and use some fresh for cooking but I make and sell pepper powders so that is the main use. 
Penny said:
Holy cow really...only 20 plants, then you'll definitely going to be busy if frost is headed your way!!
Yes and what cannot be seen is the depth of that basket and the 2 types of small pods on the bottom with around a count of 200! I mush have 500 - 1000 Thai peppers to pick
Jeff H said:
I'm surprised you didn't just bring them in the garage like last year, that way you could pick them at your leisure.
If I can save them the next few nights, they will be good for another 10 days plus outside. Last year I saved them a few times before the garage trick!
A full on freeze here last night. I went out around midnight and soaked everything with the hose. From what I can tell I saved almost everything. The only thing in question are a few branches in the square foot garden. A few large branches are so heavy they are close to the ground and I think that didn't allow them to unthaw as quickly. All in all, might have avoided a complete loss.
Awesome final harvests, Chris; the pix are mouth-watering!
I think your TS x Douglah is the nastiest, meanest, most ferocious
pod I've see,  Woah.
I want to do some experimenting with powders - right now I just have
a bunch of ground up straight peppers.  Can you point me to a good
source of powder lore as a way to get started?  I have seen quite a
few great examples on the forum, but don't know much about the
whole thing.
Congrats on a great season, buddy.