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Juicer vs Blending...

I'm in the process of fermenting peppers for my first home made hot sauce.  I am looking to achieve something with the consistency of Tabasco...pretty lose and debris free.  
My question is: Should I use a juicer to process the fermented peppers, and then blend ingredients back together to achieve a balanced sauce (ingredients being brine solution and vinegar).
Thanks in advance!
It depends on how like Tabasco you want to be. Pretty much they ferment the pepper and take only the juice and throw away all the good meat of the peppers, add a ton of vinegar and bottle so it's very watery. If that's what you want then yeah go with a juicer. If you want a better sauce, and a lower cost, then I'd look into a Food Mill which will allow you to press out the juice and the meat of the peppers and throw away the seeds, skin and other tough bits. JMHO :)
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+1 for food mill.
I just bought one and it makes all the difference in the world. You can save whatever doesn't go through the mill to throw into your favorite salsa or barbecue sauce.
Okay, in my mind I was thinking the food mill was basically doing the same thing as a juicer, but perhaps with a food mill some pulp makes it through to the final product.  
So, second best option (sans food mill) is to use a food processor to blend it all, then run it through a sieve?
I don't want to duplicate Tabasco....that's for sure.  I just like a more drippy kinda hot sauce...but with more body than tabasco.
Thanks for the input!  Thanks for this Forum!