contest July?

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Somewhat. But I'm thinking more peeps are warming up to the idea.

You've seen my pics - even with extra lighting, they often turn out ridiculously dark. I can't honestly explain why one pic turns out good while another just sucks, given the effort I expend to get a ton of light in there. (Shy of setting everything on fire, of course.) Still, I'm game for this - all in good fun! Of course, you never really know what that means when it comes to geeme..... ;)
Yeah..... :rolleyes:

I started to bring the subject up with my son, and before I could get past "more of a photography contest", he piped in with "nude chicks." So then I said I was thinking about a pic of me wearing only a banana leaf..... Classic look of sheer horror on his face.... priceless!

your boy's a sharp dude - great minds think alike. :cheers:
This is about food photography - a little change-up from the norm. I'm seeing it as a way to sharpen your skills taking pics of food. Here's another thought: we all have periodic blunders in posting, and need to add/change/remove pictures before the deadline hits. How about we consider making this more participative - like if I post a pic on Saturday, then comments/criticisms are welcome and I have through the deadline to change my pics up entirely - choosing to accept or reject the input of the others. Could be something like simply changing out a plate to add more contrast or color, add/remove lighting, etc. ie - Make it a growth experience as well as competition?
i dont get how this is a throwdown

its a photography contest

it has nothing to do with food anymore

LOL that was the point. Get it now?

It's still pictures of food, but you change the way you judge what you see.

Oh never mind wheebz.
Hummmm, Tiny food and Photography. Now I'm thinking that an Amuse Bouche TD would be the perfect fit. The Amuse Bouche is a picture of what the chef's cooking is all about and they are very beautiful to see. Here's an example of a Parmesan Pannacotta Amuse Bouche


An excellent combination of Cooking and Photography.

I can just see it. TB with his Fish Taco AB and SoFlo with the Grilled Manatee AB.

RM - that sounds totally fascinating!!!! Since my primary approach to cooking usually involves the crock-pot....I'd hafta find myself a teeny tiny slow cooker?!?! hahaha

But seriously - what a fun way to showcase the many styles on THP!
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