• General food and cooking questions, discussion, and recipes. To blog your food or to create (or post in) a community food thread, please post in Post Your Eats!

contest July?

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Tasteful nudes with a food object.

I'll support this.

Not from Scovie of course, but get the wimmens in & you'll set records with voting.

ANY chance to get nekked.......and I'm in.

Picnic food.....complete with blanket and basket.......

Camping food ( a variation on the dutch oven T-down)......

Skewered cuisine.......yeah...I can dig that one.
How about have two votes. One for the food and one for the pictures (which means you can get extremely creative still with the pics) both account for partial score...If your food bombs you can still win with an awesome pic and if you suck at pics maybe your food does the talking? Would really bring the drama and creative spark.
Have we set any hard and fast rules on this yet?

Black and white photography is sorta meh for food. I think it'd be more challenging to use color, but whatevz.
Black and white photography is sorta meh for food.
When it comes to B&W, the pictures become more about contrast (though framing and content remain just as important.) This is a combination of lighting contrast and textural contrast. An excellent B&W food pic can make your mouth water just as much (more, if done right) as a color pic.
Bath salts... that stuff'll make you want to eat someone's face off.

I heard it was harvested from the crystals of dehydrated Bear urine.

True Story
I'm not sure what to think about all this foo-foo photography talk.......

It's like the THP titans have taken up crochet and nibbling on lady fingers.

What. The. Hell?

Please tell me you all are joking.
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