OK, read a bunch of reviews here and about to place my first order to start sampling some sauces. Here's my list so far. Any glaring omissions or bad ideas? Defcon is on my list for the next round of ordering.
Marie Sharp's Fiery Hot Red Habanero Sauce
-everyone raves about this, so worth a try
Danny Cash's Radical Heat Hot Sauce
-See a lot of mentions on here. Has a high SU rating and can never go wrong with garlic. 90k SU without extract?
Matouk's West Indian Flambeau Hot Sauce
-looks very different with Congo peppers and msutard. Worth a try
Scorned Woman Hot Sauce
-Saw several mentions on here, so I'll give it a try
Pain Is Good Original 3 Pack Gift Set
-Original Juan's was my first love with Xtreme. Was going to try #37. Then saw a ton of people recommend #114. Figured if I'm ordering 2 bottles, may as well get the sampler to try them all
Crazy Jerry's Brain Damage Mind Blowin Hot
-Wow, talk about a crazy mix of ingredients. I just have to try this one out.
Marie Sharp's Fiery Hot Red Habanero Sauce
-everyone raves about this, so worth a try
Danny Cash's Radical Heat Hot Sauce
-See a lot of mentions on here. Has a high SU rating and can never go wrong with garlic. 90k SU without extract?
Matouk's West Indian Flambeau Hot Sauce
-looks very different with Congo peppers and msutard. Worth a try
Scorned Woman Hot Sauce
-Saw several mentions on here, so I'll give it a try
Pain Is Good Original 3 Pack Gift Set
-Original Juan's was my first love with Xtreme. Was going to try #37. Then saw a ton of people recommend #114. Figured if I'm ordering 2 bottles, may as well get the sampler to try them all
Crazy Jerry's Brain Damage Mind Blowin Hot
-Wow, talk about a crazy mix of ingredients. I just have to try this one out.