contest June will be a REAL THROWDOWN!!!!!!

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The Hot Pepper


Okay June will be real TD style, as in, you can challenge a previous winner to a TD!

What you do is look at the list here:

There are 25* winning dishes. You choose the one you want to do, and be the first to post the challenge to the Crown Holder.

The first step is we have to make sure all of the winners will be available to accept a challenge.

Crown Holders: If you post your availability you will not be allowed to back out of a challenge. If you won more than once, you have the right to deny or accept the challenges after the first one.

Challengers: If you are the first to challenge the Crown Holder, it will be a duel set in stone. You cannot back out.

If either party backs out and is not able to participate, it will not mean an automatic will for the other party, but you will not be able to enter a TD for 6 months. This needs to be serious and organized to work.

Now, when you challenge someone to a TD, you do not have to replicate their dish, and neither do they. You have to follow the original theme and basic concept of their entry and try to top what they did to win. They, in turn, may choose to alter their recipe, so be prepared for a surprise. If the theme was seasonal, like Super Bowl, don't worry about that, just concentrate on the winning entry. Side dishes will not count unless they were part of the original TD rules.

The way the voting will work is it will be one poll, with multiple polls within. So there would be a possibility of 25* themes, two options, so that's a possibility of 50* entries! And everyone that votes has to pick a winner from each theme.

Registration is not open yet, let's wait until we are a little closer to June for availability purposes.

This is a great way to do all of those great TDs from the past!!!


*Technically there are 26, but one is a banned member.

Crown Holders Participating:
JayT (2)
Pepper Ridge Farm
texas blues

Tentative: (will need final answer)

No Response:

Too Scared:
This can be extended also, to make sure everyone is available.
I hope you are going to defend your Philly Eggrolls!
I hope you are going to defend your Philly Eggrolls!

I'm going to try to be around for this TD, it sounds very...very fun! But, I make no promises at the moment. My life is completely turned up side down ATM and things are finally starting to level out. So right now, I am saying that I'll be around tentatively.
I'm going to try to be around for this TD, it sounds very...very fun! But, I make no promises at the moment. My life is completely turned up side down ATM and things are finally starting to level out. So right now, I am saying that I'll be around tentatively.
You don't have to commit yet, but that's cool you are tentative!
PF is like lightning.....

Where will it strike?

How far away is it?

Is it coming my way?

If he's already too late!!!
I say you make it Friday - the following Sunday. I would like to be able to challenge as well as defend.
Don't worry Jay it will be a longer one for sure. I'm busy and i want to make sure I can defend my food on a stick!

I think non-winners should have the first opportunity to challenge though. Then, if anything is left, a second round of challenges allowing Crown Holders to challenge other CHs.
Interesting concept here.

Will a crown be awarded for each TD challenge?

If so there could be ten or more crowns awarded in June, and surely making for a great opportunity for non-title holders to get their first crown under their belts. :dance: :cool: :dance:

Yes! Up to 25 crowns in the Battle Royale!
I'll be traveling for both the June and July TD's :(, but will definitely enjoy watching this one unfold!
Was just thinking (and you can throw the towel at me if you wish!) after looking at the Mac & Cheese polls, why not let TB defend his tie again?
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