event Jungle Jim's 4th Annual Weekend of Fire, July 31 & Aug 1, 2010

Well, the first day was a rousing success. The attendance was great (2500 ticket holders alone, not including walk-ups), and I think all the vendors did well from a retail standpoint. The bloggers were awesome as usual, helping vendors in any way they could. Definitely looking forward to today. Last night was the main event, the National Championship Wing-Eating Deathmatch. Well, a gentleman by the name of Steve Smallwood took the trophy this year. He also did it in reocrd time, 58 seconds! Thanks to all the competitors and spectators for making this the best championship yet. Now, without further adieu, here is the raw footage of the event. There will be an edited version later:

Looked like a few of them, especially Tom Gately (sorry buddy) was in a whole lotta pain! That guy that won was a horse! Man he devoured those things. I was in one of these things once and I want to tell you it takes guts to sit there and eat those evil wings. Kudos to all that attempted it. I remember VERY WELL how much pain I was in when I was done... And later that night... And the next morning... :mouthonfire:
Just thought I'd share a little recon from The Weekend of Fire. Sorry for the crappy cell-phone pics, but hey at least you can see them.

Good crowd for a Sunday afternoon.

Crazy Uncle Jester (Jeff Stevenson) makes some tasty products and is also really nice guy.




He told me all about his process for making "The Jester" and it's very impressive. Most of the other extracts taste kind of nasty but he's managed to create a 6,000,000 SHU extract that's actually palatable. I had to buy a bottle and also some of his Select Reserve which is a kick-ass Caribbean Jerk style sauce. Extremely hot too. He cut me a great deal on both.


Now this guy was VERY interesting to talk to. The Extreme Gourmet


He grows his own fresh peppers and has a couple hybrids he's very proud of.


The first one he showed me was a Bhut Jolokia/Chocolate Hab cross which he said maintained the heat of the Bhut but made the plant much hardier and easier to grow than the Bhut.


The second one is a wicked looking Scorpion/Bhut. The offspring is in the middle:


I bought a bottle of his Ultimate Jolokia sauce. It's one of the most heavenly sauces on the planet. Probably because it's not even like a hot sauce. It tastes like a fresh pepper, no funky spices or anything, just pure pepper and heat. He said each bottle of Ultimate Jolokia contains the equivalent of 15-16 Bhuts! I'll be using this stuff during the winter when I want that garden fresh pepper flavor without actually having fresh peppers.

Heartbreaking Dawns booth. Not really impressed by their sauces but their Storyville Cajun Blend rub tasted fantastic. They also had Bhut Jolokia Brownies and the kids couldn't resist. The fallout of that was quite amusing. Jenny's 8 year old boy ran to the next booth and started bashing some guy's tortilla chips in feeble attempt to alleviate the pain. :rofl: Her 12 year old daughter fared a tad better but was watering and draining. She couldn't believe the hottest thing she had at the show was a brownie! :rofl:


Just for fun, here's a few shots of the famous hot sauce selection that's inside the Jungle Jim's grocery.



Blair's 10,000,000 SHU scorcher. A bargain at only $4,999.99!


The haul:

Man, I wish I could've made it. I wanted to buy a jar of Blair's Death Rain powder from JJs. I was going to ask someone to pick one up for $5 (I think) and do a seed trade or something. lol.

I was here the first year. Great show. Just too much going on lately. :(

Can't wait. My wife and I went last year for our first time. Had a blast. Had been to jungle jims before but not the weekend of fire. Highly recommend to anyone in the area. Very good time, great vendors and lots of heat!
check the date of the previous post from cmpman....this thread is last years...