event Jungle Jim's 4th Annual Weekend of Fire, July 31 & Aug 1, 2010

wordwiz said:
I'll have to try to make this - not that I'm into heat but I live just 10 miles from JJ's.


As you've probably read, there are going to be a lot of contests going on as well. Even just as a spectator, it should be well worth it to go.
I would go just to put some faces to names! Who knows, by then I may have a couple of tomatoes to bring - it will be close to time.

Anyone interested in FREE passes to this WoF show, please contact me by this Sunday, so I can add you to the list. I have to send the list to the people at the Weekend of Fire show asap. There are also contests you can sign up for in advance to reserve your slot. I have a post about some of the contests on my blog if you wish to read about them. We would like someone to represent THP in CaJohn's blind taste test challenge on Saturday if anyone would like to step up that challenge. There are A LOT of contests beyond the big Defcon Championship Death Match taking place after the show at 6pm on Saturday. If you would like in on Patter Fam's Spicy PB & J Sammich Stackdown or Heartbreaking Dawns' Ghost Pepper Brownie Brawl Buster, please let me know so I can reserve a spot in advance for you.

There will be no charity drives this year at the Blogger's Booth, so you have no commit to hang out there beyond the usual. We do have a lot of exchanges of homemade treats, so feel free to share and meet the other bloggers that come to hang out. It is one of the best shows for bloggers of all the events to go to. There is an after show dinner down the road at Papadeux's restaurant. This has turned into a tradition once all the vendors breakdown their booths. Relaxing and fun with great food. We had about 30-40 people show up last year.

Then there is CaJohn's Open house on Monday which is something I look forward to every year now. Free food and a tour of his brand new facility that is only a few months old. Bigger and better in so many ways. If you come, you are required to sign the WALL! Since people are coming at different times from different places, it starts at 10am and goes as long as people stay.
T-Minus 10 days........

There seems to be more and more stuff being planned at this gig as each day passes. If you're considering going, just go, you'll be plesantly surprised.
Quick update.

The National Championship Wing-Eating Deathmatch at Jungle Jims on 7/21 was originally scheduled for 6pm, before the show ended. The time has been pushed to 7pm, just after the show closes, like has been done for the past 3 years, so as to allow manufacturers to compete or just spectate and not take them away from their booths.

The trophy this year is definitely a work of art, evil art, but art all the same. And for those that competed last year, if you thought last years Deatchmatch sauce was hot, you ain't seen nothin' yet (insert evil chuckle)...
Man...I wish I could get there.....but I've exhausted a good bit of my funds. (eBay is EVIL!!)

If anyone wants to Roger-up and "shop" for me while at the show....I'd make it worth their while. Just holler at me if you you're interested.
Anyone interested in FREE passes to this WoF show, please contact me by this Sunday, so I can add you to the list. I have to send the list to the people at the Weekend of Fire show asap. There are also contests you can sign up for in advance to reserve your slot. I have a post about some of the contests on my blog if you wish to read about them. We would like someone to represent THP in CaJohn's blind taste test challenge on Saturday if anyone would like to step up that challenge. There are A LOT of contests beyond the big Defcon Championship Death Match taking place after the show at 6pm on Saturday. If you would like in on Patter Fam's Spicy PB & J Sammich Stackdown or Heartbreaking Dawns' Ghost Pepper Brownie Brawl Buster, please let me know so I can reserve a spot in advance for you.

There will be no charity drives this year at the Blogger's Booth, so you have no commit to hang out there beyond the usual. We do have a lot of exchanges of homemade treats, so feel free to share and meet the other bloggers that come to hang out. It is one of the best shows for bloggers of all the events to go to. There is an after show dinner down the road at Papadeux's restaurant. This has turned into a tradition once all the vendors breakdown their booths. Relaxing and fun with great food. We had about 30-40 people show up last year.

Then there is CaJohn's Open house on Monday which is something I look forward to every year now. Free food and a tour of his brand new facility that is only a few months old. Bigger and better in so many ways. If you come, you are required to sign the WALL! Since people are coming at different times from different places, it starts at 10am and goes as long as people stay.

I tried to send you a PM but your in-box must be full!

Unfortunately we're still unpacking at the new house, so I'm not going to make it this weekend.

On a bright note, all 300+ bottles of hot sauce arrived intact.
On a sad note I lost a few fish.
Neat little write-up:
