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Just munched on my first hab ever

Was walking through the upscale grocery store near my house when I saw a huge pile of orange habaneroes there, selling for $29.95/kg. For you Yanks, I figure this to be roughly 13.585019 dollars per pound australian, which makes it about 3 of your pesos. Anyway, even though I am growing 4 orange hab plants, I wanted to see what they are like. I get them home, look at them for a bit, felt my cajones shrivel, and then get teased into biting one by my wife. Bite one was great-lovely flavour, unlike anyhting I have ever eaten before. Bite two, holysweetmotherlordhothothothothothothothothot. Possibly a little more heat than I expected, but still manageable, but only in small doses. Very small doses. Am now scared to look out the window at the scotch bonnet and red savina plants, let alone the fatalii seeds still waiting to come up.
good for you....wait until you get to the superhot Bhut/Nagas...they will tear your head off....

My timid experiance with the super hots boils down to this: There is a limit to how much pain you can actually feel at once, so after Hab, there is only so much more pain you can feel. The difference is that with the Bhut Jolokia for example, the burn is bigger and doesn't fade until long after you have despaired and wished for any form of relief, and all your vain attempts to find miracle cures in your fridge make for a good laugh for anyone watching.