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Just put up a third batch

sliced peaches, 4 dried ghost pepper pods, some chili water and some probiotic tabs


  • slicedpeaches.jpg
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  • soakingpodsandprobiotics.jpg
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  • roughblendwithchiliwater.jpg
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mrbill said:
i really think it is because i strained out all of the solids including the peach pulp.
Then get yourself a powerful blender. I have a Blendtec and it's a beast. After blending, I run the sauce through a fine mesh sieve and only have about 10% max loss of volume to solids. I recently did a sauce with fresh pineapple and from 1200ml of blended sauce I had less than 100ml of solids left after straining.
Siv said:
Then get yourself a powerful blender. I have a Blendtec and it's a beast. After blending, I run the sauce through a fine mesh sieve and only have about 10% max loss of volume to solids. I recently did a sauce with fresh pineapple and from 1200ml of blended sauce I had less than 100ml of solids left after straining.
We keep hearing about this appliance:
salsalady said:
I love the blendtec, but again it has a 64 oz-ish capacity carafe. Blendtec smokes the Ninja for absolutely pulverizing anything. I have not used a vitamix.
Other than a search, blendtec total blender , anybody have a model to recommend?
I have the "Designer Series" in red because my wife insists on red kitchen appliances and I paid over $500 6 years ago with two extra jars. I think all the consumer versions have the same motor so the difference is only looks. So find one that suits your price. And note that the jars are expensive - $100.
This looks like a stonking deal to me: https://www.amazon.com/Blendtec-Wildside-Professional-Grade-Self-Cleaning-Pre-programmed/dp/B01FHQVY8I/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=blendtec&qid=1597417407&s=home-garden&sr=1-2
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