• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

KAOS Glog - 2017

Welcome to the KAOS Glog 2017
I wasn’t going to do one this year, but thought what the hell. Some of my intrepid journey may be of interest to someone or at the very least a bit of entertainment for the Northern Hemisphere Chilliheads.
Since I’m playing a bit of catchup (started in April really) here is a quick summary of proceeding through to today.
NZ Season 2016 was dismal to say the least with a very short cold summer and it didn’t help starting late either.
Apologies for the image heavy first post
Some of 2016’s last pods

I decided 2017 was going to be a different and this would be a challenge against the winter elements.
Bring on the indoor grow brigade – 900mm x 400mm grow cabinet with grow LED


Now unfortunately being the gadget addict that I am I had to start experimenting with lights. The next photo is a humble cayenne that became the lab rat (aka Tarbal) over the next couple of months.
Remember Tarbal for later …
Once I’d proven (to myself anyway) that the LED thing actually worked I decided to soldier on with some actual proper peppers
A selection of Superhots – Ghost/Choc Bhut/Reaper…etc

Back to Tarbal now and roll on some 53 days from previous photo

My grow process is nothing new.
KNO3 for 24hrs
Coffee filter in Jiffy Bag until sprouting – Heatpad and mini greenhouse
Into Rockwool with a dab of soil - Heatpad and mini greenhouse
Wait until liftoff and into pots when first set of leaves are established



This was the start of the true growing period – Upgraded to 1.2m x 1.2m tent

Sideline to the grow this year is the Amarillo Growdown and here are some progress shots



Now the rest of the family as of today







Devv said:
I'll be watching that reaper, one of my favorites ;)
qandeel said:
It looks neat KAOS. Please keep posting about this experiment.
Cheers. I plan to post a side by side by side photo on a weekly basis (start  vs previous week vs current week).
I love to see progress in visual form as you don't notice them growing until you do a comparison.
I have high hopes for this mix (by my terms it's expensive), but initial observations is that it does drain quite slow.
I think this is due to large quantity of earthworm castings which are by nature very fine.
Sunday update and some pod progress 
Garden Progress

Reaper mix progress

Reaper Forking


Choc Bhut - I think ???


Chinese Lotto

Cito Hempy Experiment


Long Sweet Pepper

Guardian - Total of three on the plant now

ThatBlondGuy101 said:
Nice stuff! The Reaper has grown a fair bit!
Got really high hopes for the Reaper mix. Only issue I can see is that it is quite dense so drainage is not great ... not bad, but not how I'd like it to be.
Got three Peppadew sprouted this week, but none of the HJ1 Corona and no sign of the elusive Jay's peach either.
Not much to update except for all the rain and of course the weeds that follow ...
Garden Progress

Amarillo getting fat

Reaper Mix Progress

Supposed to be a Cayenne - Any Ideas ???

Thanks for stopping by and let's hope the sun will come out soon so that growth can be a bit more substantial.
What's the time between the first and last reaper shots? Its growing at a good pace!
No idea whats going on with that Cayenne, but I had a few pods of some of last seasons Ebony Fire (C. Annuum) plants do the thing with the "flower stick" (can't remember the technical term :rofl:).
Keep up the good work, hopefully the sun will be shining!
ThatBlondGuy101 said:
What's the time between the first and last reaper shots? Its growing at a good pace!
No idea whats going on with that Cayenne, but I had a few pods of some of last seasons Ebony Fire (C. Annuum) plants do the thing with the "flower stick" (can't remember the technical term :rofl:).
Keep up the good work, hopefully the sun will be shining!

Thanks TBG.
Photos are day1 / week 1 / week 2. Not too shabby for two weeks under lighting.
Can't wait for warmer days now.
KAOS said:
Just a place keeper for my last minute seeds.
Peach Bhut Jolokia
Ebony Fire (TBG giveaway :party: )
into jiffy bags today
You should find those Ebony Fire seeds very interesting. I have no idea what will come out of them. The plant I harvested them from I bought from a nursery, I did some extensive googling to try to figure out what it was, with no luck. It is very similar to Hungarian Black, except it has very dark foliage, so I'm guessing its a hybrid/cross? So anything could come of that, but then to make matters more interesting the seeds were open pollinated, so it could potentially have crossed with Jalapeno, Red Habanero or Thai Hot.
So it should be very interesting and intriguing indeed! But if its anything like its parent, very ornamental, with purple-black pods that ripen to red, when they're ripe they're a bit hotter than Jalapeno, but quite sweet. Smallish plant too, but it might've been environmental, but produces seemingly more pods than leaves! Pods are small Jalapeno sized, but a bit pointy, but not so much as Birdseye. 
Good Luck!
Hate to clog your glog, but found some pictures!

Thanks for the info TBG.
Excited to see what comes of this one regardless.
Just so happens I bought a Black Olive Chilli at the nursery.
Same purple flowers and dark leaves but with oval fruit.
Must be the same type of plant just different pheno.