indoor Keeping cats away from indoor plants?!

After leaving my 4 pepper plants in the front window alone for the last couple of months, I'm now going through this problem with my mother-in-law's troublesome feline.  I just found chewed leaves on all 4 plants a little bit ago, and I want to put this behavior to an end before it becomes a bigger problem.

What's a good homemade pepper spray recipe I could use to cut this crap out?  I have a ton of dried peppers I can use.

I wonder if cats would stay away from a plant whose leaves were coated in neem... it would change the smell and taste of the leaves, and neem is pretty safe for the plants (if used somewhat correctly, plenty of room for error)
A really good pepper spray, is one where you take a whole pepper - the larger the better.  Stuff it with high explosives and some sort of shrapnel.  Could be nails, glass, whatever you like.  Set it up on a trip wire, or monitor and detonate remotely.

Just a word of caution - it won't discriminate, should it come to pass that it's actually the mother in law chewing the leaves.  Maybe you won't, given the remote option, either...
mrgrowguy said:
I wonder if cats would stay away from a plant whose leaves were coated in neem... it would change the smell and taste of the leaves, and neem is pretty safe for the plants (if used somewhat correctly, plenty of room for error)
I do spray my leaves with neem, actually, and it has now been about a month since the last time I did it.  So maybe that's why the cat is chewing on the leaves.

I think I'll give them another neem oil treatment and see if that nips the problem behavior in the bud.  If it does not, I will resort to more drastic measures.
solid7 said:
A really good pepper spray, is one where you take a whole pepper - the larger the better.  Stuff it with high explosives and some sort of shrapnel.  Could be nails, glass, whatever you like.  Set it up on a trip wire, or monitor and detonate remotely.
Just a word of caution - it won't discriminate, should it come to pass that it's actually the mother in law chewing the leaves.  Maybe you won't, given the remote option, either...
This pepper spray "recipe" sounds like a great way to wind up on a watch list.
