• If you need help identifying a pepper, disease, or plant issue, please post in Identification.

keeping peppers

I just got a huge deal on a mess of habaneros. I am buying more than I can use at once. How about some tips on freezing them...I don't want them to get mushy. Or is drying them the better way to go? When I pick them up I'll have habaneros commin out of my ears...lol The deal was just toooooooo good to pass.
I have always had better luck drying than freezing, just because if you thaw a whole frozen pod it gets kinda mushy. Just my two cents here, I am sort of a rookie being only my third year.
IMO - dry them and either vaccuum pack them whole or powder them. if you do freeze them, do yourself a favour and remove the stems first as it's harder to do later on. don't forget to remove plenty of seeds before you dehydrate them and share them with your friends!
ok I just got the first case of peppers. I got a mixture of green bell peppers, jalapenos and I believe Habaneros. Not sure on the Habs though....The peppers are lantern shaped, medium shade of green and a bit larger than the Habs I have used in the past. Myu wife picked the case up today. When I put my order in I told them jalepenos, habs, thai, naga morich, green bell, a few other varities of peppers and some other veggies. I will post a pick of the Habs in a bit.
Dave Dewitt is appearing at a chile festival in Australia in September and the beatiful chilliwoman and I are going along. I'll be meeting up with bentalphanerd and hopefully I can get Dave Dewitt's autograph. it promises to be a good weekend!