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keeping the heat down

I finished my grow box. It didn't seem like it wasn't getting enough light. So I added a second grow light. My temp is at 93 degrees and climbing. I turned off the heating pad and the heat is still climbing.

Should I cut a couple of vent holes to let some heat out??

Or should I wait and see what it levels out at?

Or should I pull the second light out of the box and just keep rotating the pepper plants?
here is my grow box...


the right side opens up tp get inside of it
I'd say a small fan would be better than just a vent. That way it will help strengthen the stems and maybe prevent some mold from getting a foothold.
I agree with carol... put a small fan in for sure to strengthen stems and ward off the funk, but I'd put a small vent hole as well. Just my opinion... cool grow box though
ok so just put a fan in for circulation. the higher heat is ok then? It is also very humid inside the box as well
The air has to have somewhere to go out as well as in. I'd go with a small "computer fan" to blow air in. It might take some experimenting to find the right size hole for the exhaust vent. Start small and keep cutting if it's still too hot.
agree with what has been said...need to cool it down a bit IMO..

I don't like my plants above 90 while they are young...
It seems to have stablized at 93 degrees (themometer bounces between 92.8 and 93.1) The heat thats in the box is being generated by the lights only I killed the heat pad.

Another question for ya.....How many hours a day should the lights be on?? Yesturday (I only had 1 light in the box) I had the light on for around 16 hours...now I have read that the lights should be on longer.....whats the general idea?????

A couple of my buddies stopped by. They looked at my set up and proceeded to tell me that the cops around here have heat scanners to find this kind of thing and they still dont believe me its just peppers in my grow box!! LOL....thats ok though LMAO :lol:
ok now I made a couple of adjustments to the box and the door and I got the temp down to 89.9 degrees. I will add a fan for circulation tommorrow.
Dyce...there was a thread a couple of months ago where some of did some googlin' and posted some links...it had to do with optimum light for peppers and tomatos...seems it said light 24/7 for 5 weeks would be beneficial (or would not hurt) to the plants, but after 5 weeks, it could slow the growth process down, because the transport mechanism for the food the plant produces was getting "stopped up"...I am using 18/6 for my seedlings after 5 weeks now...

seems in some of the reading I was doing also said that some plants have a growth spurt right before daylight...
AlabamaJack said:
...seems it said light 24/7 for 5 weeks would be beneficial (or would not hurt) to the plants...

OK, so how do I break this bad news to the BF, who is a little displeased with the power consumption for ~14hrs of light?? :hell:
Just say hey babe, I need more power.... ;) :lol:

Keep in mind that the study AJ mentions is "optimal" amount of light, not "necessary." I had a few volunteers in the garden last year that didn't see 14 hours of light a day until May. Of course, I didn't have to harden them off!

good on you Carol...

Mike....didn't we decide 20 was optimal?....too lazy to go back and look...but you are right...it didn't say the plants have to have that much light...

I think it was 20 for peppers, 16 for toms but I don't recall exactly either.

More to add but don't want to hijack this thread. I'll start a different one!

Ok I am still able to maintain 85.4 degrees while the lights are on. When I turn the lights off, I turn the heat pad on low... The temp is at 71.3 when I go to turn the lights back on and turn the heat pad off. If I don't turn the heat pad on the temp dropped to 61.8 degrees ( the box is setting on the floor and my house is a slab so the floors get pretty cold)
My guys are typically around 60 degrees, and I've not had much trouble germinating.

Although, my thermometer might not be 100% accurate.