KEFIR.....Any kefir lovers around?


I am into kefir brewing and love it.

I am having a robust health (except for cataract).

Is there any other Kefir lover around?


What is kefir ?? I'm Texan and have never heard of this.... Kaffir Lime leaves for Thai cooking was what I thought you were going to talk about but realized it wasn't spelled the same.

Thanks & Peace ,
P. Dreadie
Thanks Paulky & POTAWIE ,

For the health issue is sounds like something I use to give to my Canaries when I raised them. It helped keep the good bacteria up in the gut . I take some pills ( because I'm married to a nutty , but beautiful woman ) that is supposed to have all kinds of Flora and help me to live longer than dirt. So I guess I get the jest of what Kefir is meant to do .

P. Dreadie
How does this improve your health besides what other dairy products do and the obvious probiotic properties (live bacteria culture)?
There are different bacterias in kefir, some of which can colonize the asophogus (unlike yogourt) and help digestion as well as acid-reflux
my_key said:
How does this improve your health besides what other dairy products do and the obvious probiotic properties (live bacteria culture)?

you must check out the blogs on web. They are full of information.
Or we can discuss it here in this thread:)

This is some basic health info for kefir

"Kefir has many reputed health benefits. It has antibiotic and antifungal properties. It’s been used in the treatment of a variety of conditions, including metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis, and allergies, tuberculosis, cancer, poor digestion, candidiasis, osteoporosis, hypertension, HIV and heart disease. You might find it odd that that a drink containing yeasts would be good for treating candidiasis but it has been helpful to many people, both by restoring a better balance to the gut flora and because some elements of the microflora will kill off Candida Albicans. Not all yeasts are harmful.

In addition to beneficial bacteria and yeast, kefir contains many vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes. Particularly calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, B2 and B12, vitamin K, vitamin A and vitamin D. Tryptophan, one of the essential amino acids abundant in kefir, is well known for its relaxing effect on the nervous system. Because kefir also has an abundance of calcium and magnesium, also important minerals for a healthy nervous system, kefir in the diet can have a particularly calming effect on the nerves.

The abundance of enzymes brings more health benefits, especially to lactose intolerant people, many of whom can tolerate kefir without difficulty, as long as the kefir is raw and not cooked (cooking destroys the enzymes)."
Naga Jolokia Addict said:
you must check out the blogs on web. They are full of information.

How could I forget blogs, the source of all human knowledge ;)

Thanks Potawie! Looks like it has some nice qualities.

Though somehow the following phrase trips my BS detector and warns me to be cautious:
"excellentsourceofallhumanknowledge" said:
It’s been used in the treatment of (...) HIV
Meaning of course that someone with HIV has already had some kefir during his treatment :) But such general phrasing could trip other people into concluding that "Kefir cures HIV!". Would be a nice headline in a glossy magazine though.

Nothing in this post is intended to detract from the good qualities of kefir though. I'm aware that it's quite healthy, but if I had HIV I wouldn't really rely on the kefir to much. My point here being that once al least one scientist concludes that some food item has beneficial qualities (e.g. green tea, kefir, komboucha, ginkgo and the likes) you start seeing blogs advertising these items, sometimes exagerating their qualities a little buy using phrases like "It’s been used in the treatment of (...) HIV", which strictly speaking doesn't have to be a lie, but implies (It could if you're not a cautious reader or as a result of the sometimes occuring Sleeper effect) that kefir cures HIV and maybe AIDS as well while we're at it :cool:

I totally have to end with this:
"excellentsourceofallhumanknowledge" said:
is well known for its relaxing effect on the nervous system
If my system was nervous I would love finding something that has a relaxing effect on it :) I just love the phrasing. I definitely should read more blogs.

Keep up the kefir though. It's quite healthy, just don't expect miracles from it.

Michael (my_key)

do not buy commercial kefir from super markets.

Brew your own.

Commercial kefirs have hardly 8 to 10 types of living Bacteria which generally do not reduce the pH for long time.
Yeast content is limited or absent.
True Home brewed kefir has in excess of 30 to 40 different types of live bacteria and good yeast.

So please get good starter culture and start brewing.

paulky_2000 said:
You're telling me that this stuff is as good as sex?

Why the hell haven't I heard of it before???

The answer is simple: you should read more blogs on the internet ;)
my_key said:
The answer is simple: you should read more blogs on the internet ;)

You may be right!

Then again...if I read a blog telling me it felt like sex to stick my willy in a light socket....I may question it a bit!

No offence is intended to any of you or this thread...:)
orangehero said:
I use raw goat's milk and got some kefir grains from a lady at the farmer's market. It's good, like orgasm.


you mean the thick kefir with sparkling bubbles or the starter?

Last but not the least.....the Taste? hehehe
