KEFIR.....Any kefir lovers around?

Yeah the thick stuff with a little carbonation. It's very refreshing. With the goat's milk, the goatiness becomes very subtle, not what I was expecting. I got the starter for free at the farmer's market.
J762 said:
If any one knows of some one with a starter in AZ, my wife and I have been searching for one.

where in AZ?
I amy be able to direct you to someone near you.
Failing which, I can send you some .
In such a case, PM me please.

Naga Jolokia Addict said:
where in AZ?
I amy be able to direct you to someone near you.
Failing which, I can send you some .
In such a case, PM me please.


Chandler. I can go pretty much any where in the valley though. I appreciate the help on this. Thank you. said:

I saw that a couple of weeks ago, but have no way of knowing how many types of bacteria are in it, and how good of a starter it is. It just seems to make a lot more sense to get it from some one that has a good one going already.
I just got into drinking kafir. Theres a store by me that sells it in strawberry, raspberry and original.. its kinda like yogurt. SO GOOD. Its organic, local, and most importantly YUMMY!

Just needed to thank you.

Its because of this post that i have been on a-cup-of-kefir-a-day diet and all is good.

That's some diet! One beverage a day and that's it?!
ARGH! busted! Typo, i meant that i introduced a cup of kefir milk into my daily diet.

Question: Do you guys stir the separated whey and fermented top together before straining?
I thought so. ;)

Maybe I'll check this stuff out.
kiddc said:

Just needed to thank you.

Its because of this post that i have been on a-cup-of-kefir-a-day diet and all is good.


I am sure you will sleep more peacefully from now on.
Kefir is very good sleep inducer.