beer Keyboard Casualties

The Hot Pepper

Anyone else here having to buy a new computer keyboard about every two months due to beer mishaps? No? Just me? Okay, carry on.
Im Out See Ya GIF by AngryBoiAlex
I have had to completely tear apart the keyboard, clean it and reassemble due to wine spillage. Also had to prop up the laptop at an angle to drain.....
YUP! Those incidents happened 15 years ago.

Funniest episode...

Ever heard of rattlesanake eggs?

Dude was sitting at the computer with the keyboard...holding a large glass of rum.n.oj....
Playing something...
Kid threw one of those magnetic pairs up...
Dude JUMPED UP out of his seat...
Dropping the glass of Rum.n.Oj onto the desk...

Pretty sure that was one of the times I had to clean the keyboard....
Rofl....still to this day. :rofl: