No one is out there marketing one for the chili industry, when you see a need, you go for it. What you are talking about is repurposing which in fact lets us know there is a void in the market.
Since this is made for chili powder it has little touches like the window, you know how capsaicin is when even a little escapes, I can check to see if I need to refill before leaving. He also asked for comments as this is not even made yet I'm sure, maybe a shaker screen or filling agent as suggested.
No one is claiming the reinvention of the wheel but if something is not well made or does not exist for your industry and you see a need go for it. If I bought one I would much rather support the indie chili entrepreneur than buy a generic one made for something else. I think he's onto something here. Would be a real hit at the chili conventions! Add to that, his may be the only one to show when searching for a chili powder keychain container, as most all others would be repurposed.
I wonder if a regular size matching one would be cool, and that could be the filler somehow. Like the holes match up. That would be super cool! Could be an optional purchase of course. But then you could have your ghost powder in the larger one, and when the keygoes is empty, you open and hold it up to the hole of the larger one and just shake it in. It could have a dual flip lid, one for shaking, one for filling the keygoes.
I think this is a brilliant idea. I wish you much success and will check out the indiegogo for sure!