event Kickoff Event and WING CHALLENGE, NJ

bahahaha! You think he wasnt hurting from the sauce? he was putting on a show.. after he shut the camera his lips doubled in size and he came over n said, "my f8ckin face hurts". all in good fun xoxoox

Jay I read some where else that you make videos and delete them before you post em? hope you dont do that with this review :o) hehe
Man I can't escape that one can I? No Nicole, your review will be written and I assure you won't be deleted. It's still a couple weeks away as THP doesn't have the section ready yet, but I can tell you I did the Jolo-Killa challenge (sort-of) and it is a great sauce.
Dang JayT even the noobs know of your video expertise, ha!

It looked like he was suffering a bit there at the end. So you knock it up a bit or leave it alone?
I tried it first as is, then added some extra Bhut powder halway through. I tell you, it is good. For me though the heat built so far, but never got intolerable. I could eat a lot more. I don't want to go into it any more than that, you'll have to wait for the review.
It being not "intolerable is the funny thing about trying to develop a challenge. I'm using the sauce pretty casually as of late and it's just a nice hot sauce. It's difficult to really think about the "who" would be going to a place and doing the challenge...I think it's one of those things that if it's not too hot in general for you to eat one, then you can eat them all. I guess I'll have several videos in a couple more days...I hope we get a few unexpecting takers.
The thing about those challenges is it will mostly be the general public who will eat about two and wish they were dead. Then you get someone like the folks on here that just smiles and keeps eating.