Kicks the crap out of potato chips

Fried crispy hot chilis

Dried Byadagi fried in oil crispy then salted



Dried Sanam fried in oil crispy then salted


chilehunter said:
they look nice & tasty!!
what ya gonna do with them now ? do you have some meals planned for them ?

I just eat them like that, as a snack or with a meal. They are also good on top of a slice of Italian or French bread.

They have some oil coating from the frying and you salt them.
Txclosetgrower said:
Dried or fresh habs?
both! most recently a flattened red hab fried crisp in olive oil. I think i ate about 2-3 of them in one sitting.:mouthonfire: They were beautiful. The rest ended up in my red hab concentrate.