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Kickstarter question

I've started a project on kickstarter for the pens that I make. I'm using it as a way to hopefully move some of the pens I make. It's a simple project, nothing fancy. And before you ask, yes, I've been trying to figure out a way to make a pepper pen.

But that isn't why I'm posting this.

I'm using SFRB's to mail the pens out to the project backers. My question is this.
Is their a better way to ship small items that offers insurance and tracking numbers any cheaper than $5.80? I think that's about the best all around option I have but I want to ask anyway.

There's a lot of us on here that send pods all the time so maybe someone has a secret.
I've not looked at the prices for USPS or other carriers, but have you talked with them about your options?  They would be able to tell you up front if there is a cheaper way.
I learned the hard way Monday that using a SFRB was my best way to ship. Something that would have cost me $5.80 ended up costing $9.50 since I used my own box and shipped priority. Depending on the weight, you could do 1st class and insure and get tracking and it MAY be less than $5.80 but you are going to have to pay for your supplies whereas SFRB's are free. 
I ship the Pure Evil tins in a 4" x 4" x 6" box, $3.22 and $1.05 for tracking.  I've shipped smaller packages for $2.30.
I would think pens could be shipped in a padded envelope for ~$1.50.
Would it perhaps be titled "Fine pens for everyday use" because those pens do look fine!  The name and general location match up from my search.
Thanks SL, I will look into the padded envelopes. I initially dismissed those because the SFRB's and packing peanuts I get for free and offer a bit of crush resistance. I might do a test and send some pens to a friend of mine just to see if they hold up.
Elite, that would indeed be my project. I'm hoping it will be successful. I'm moving into casting my own pen blanks with a myriad of color combinations. I should be able to have custom pens with labels or logo's embedded in the acrylic soon. Having that project go well will helpme expand capabilities. Thanks for taking the time to search out my project though.  
Do your pens come in a case? A pen that nice I wouldn't want to throw around or put with the other pens.
Just wondering for size of shipment also.
No problem!  While I don't necessarily NEED another pen right now, I always like to support people that have similar interests.  We'll see how much these last two weeks have cost me and how much trouble I get in to with the lady and then I might throw in for one.
Regardless, good luck on getting crazy funded!
If you put in a stretch goal for a pepper pen then I would NEED that as I'm sure many others on here would too.
For this project, I'm not providing a special case. It drives up the cost for the backers so I'm trying to keep the costs to a minimum. But, they will be shipped in a plastic case and packed well with packing peanuts to minimize any damage.
I was carrying around an acrylic pen with the black titanium finish for months before someone took it. I was intentionally abusive to it and it held up well. I bent the clip a few times from getting it snagged while in my pocket, dropped a bunch of times, and kept it in the center console with a bunch of change and odd pieces of metal too.  I even managed to drop it at work, thought it was lost until I moved a pallet and found it underneath it. The pallet did crack the acrylic but it was minor and difficult to see. So, I would say that these kits I am using can handle some abuse quite well. 

Thanks Elite. I have been considering casting flowers in acrylic but pepper flowers don't seem to dry well and keepany color or shape. I've also thought about casting dried pepper pods into the acrylic as well. It's a project for the future, for sure. 
Small bubble envelope made for CDs should work fine. I'd say insurance is not worth it. Since you make the pens your cost is low if lost.
PS. That's a pretty low goal. $500? Why not just sell pens online and ebay etc? It seems you are already set up and in business, and this is just a selling platform. Why not raise the goal and try to expand?

Oh, and they are nice.
Thank you boss. I really like to make them and I enjoy the compliments too. 
I set the goal low to almost ensure it being successful. If you aren't familiar with Kickstarter, it's an all or nothing funding principal. So let's say that I set my goal for $1,000 and am only able to generate $999 in pledges when time runs out, then nothing happens. The backers don't get their anticipated reward and I don't sell any pens. No money moves at all.  Whereas if I set it at $500, it's almost a guarantee to get to.  Also, normal pens like these don't generate a lot of draw compared to the solid Titanium or other CNC'd type of fancy pens. If anything,it will be a slow burn all the way to the end.   
No I get that... just, goals are usually to start up or expand... honestly I think you'd do better with a higher goal and a mission statement/plan as to what you are going to do with the money... people like to see a good idea and make it happen. Buying supplies for more pens, some may feel they are just buying a pen and not really contributing to anything. That's fine for people that like the pens, but you are missing out on the people wanting to fund something cool. That is just my opinion, the pens do look fantastic.
Personally I'd go with a natural wood and the matte black finish. Nice!
Best of luck.

PS. If you don't like the "all or nothing" platform, try http://indiegogo.com. Have a plan to expand or whatever, but also let them know if the goal is not reached all of the money will still be used to manufacture pens and stay in business.
I used it successfully. ;)
I understand what you're saying. I could do an update to show what exactly what I'm after. I have, quite literally, tons of wood that needs to be properly resawn and stored before they rot. I have about a dozen kinds that can't be found on a daily basis in stores. I need to upgrade to a bandsaw with resaw capability because a chainsaw is wasteful, build a solar kiln to dry the wood and add a building to store it all.
I might have been wrong to think that isn't intriguing enough to convince people to pledge their money to the project.

Oh, and also be able to make resin infused wood pens, for stabilizing spalted or soft woods. And make custom colored pens to the customers specs.
That stuff lets people know they are helping you and the pen is a reward. :)
Would anyone have any ideas how to jumpstart my project? It never really took off and has stalled. To call it a slow burn would be understatement. Heck, not even Facebook love of friends is making an impact. I'm sure most of it comes from my not so snazzy video. I've had just over 100 views total.

I'm stalled at just over halfway to the goal and sure would like to meet the goal of $500.
how about putting a link in this thread to make it easy for people to see what you're up to?  I don't feel like googling and searching through all the KS projects to find yours, but if there was a link right here, I might check it out.  ;)  