• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Kinda Strange Noobie Setup 2015

Alrighty! This is my first time starting from seeds indoors, and my first time growing hot peppers as well! I recently got bit by the spice bug, and luckily last year I was able to mostly keep my plants alive (sort of.) so let's see how this goes!
My list isn't very long, as I live in a one-bedroom currently and don't have tons of room for a large germination setup, but I'm excited about it! I'm using a T8 shop light in some cardboard boxes to prevent the light from keeping me up at night. I had a week or so of really slowed growth and some yellowing, I think I may have transplanted too early and didn't fortify my soil enough, but things have picked up now! 
-Chocolate Fataliis
-Garden Bird Thai Chilis
-Filius Blues
-Black Jalapenos
-Anaheim for a non-hot
I also have an orange Hab that's doing kind of okay in the yard, I might've let it fruit too much instead of shooting for vegetation.
Some photos!
Where it all happens...​
My anaheim is the current front-runner in terms of speed​
A little cuke as well​
My Francisca, which I've read isn't actually all that great of a pepper to grow, is a little funky​
Black Jalapeno​
Chocolate Fataliis​
Growth seems a bit slower than most folks I'm seeing on other glogs, so I'd love any tips folks have to give! ​
The growth speed could be a temperature problem, I noticed with some of mine as the temperature dropped below 10 outside they seemed to slow and shrivel even with light and heat inside. I don't think it's under watering, but it could also be a humidity problem as winters are very dry here in Pittsburgh. Others are doing very well though so it seems to vary greatly between plants that are next to each other
Looking good man! I would suggest that you get some airflow going in there.Stagnant air is not good.Maybe a tiny fan.Lining your box with mylar will help out also by providing more light
Looking good man! I would suggest that you get some airflow going in there.Stagnant air is not good.Maybe a tiny fan.Lining your box with mylar will help out also by providing more light

I just got a little desk fan blowing into the box! It's that black thing on the right side of the egg box in the first picture :) I had a little mold in the germ dome so I definitely want that air moving. Thanks for the tip on the Mylar I think I'll definitely go for that since I'm only using one light