• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

KiNGDeNNiZ... keep moving forward!!

Actually more of a journal for me. Just like to see all the progressions.

This year 2013 I got hit with what was believed to be thrips. They consumed one plant after another. My veggies were all destroyed by spider mites. And now my struggling in ground plants are being consumed by aphids. So many buds and flowers. Too bad they won't make it. But hey. I did t have grubs this year

Thanks to all that sent pods. Powders. Hot sauces. And seeds. Although I wasn't able to do fresh pod giveaways. I was and still doing powder and seed giveaways.

I've started some new ones late in the summer and plan to go into full swing in a week.

Here are the big boys.


From this

To this. Soil is roots organic. And some coco

I've also give hydro a shot. Jamaican scotch bonnet MoA

And made this my ghetto aerogarden utilizing clay balls. Lol ... Using aerogarden nutes for now


Thanks to THP and Facebook for sharing with me the pods powders and seeds.

I met some nice folks on the FB spectrum...and for some cool varieties to grow. My In ground will be nuked and dedicated solely to the Jamaican scotch bonnet MoA. I have some you've heard of and some you haven't like the "peanut" Lucy and Katie. Bubblegum orange and a few others. Here's to a head-start

yellow lava

finally moved them into bigger containers 

got some plants via RFC

and from Wes!!

Borg 9.. so far disease free

this one is from Omar.. same guy who helped bring the RENNIE... this be the pink tiger

red bhut from my school nursery.. yes.. this thing is podding up and is this big in a dixie cup

big mojo brown.. from enrico lai.. notice the powdery on the stems and leaves.. despite the disease.. still podding


look whats podding up... plant via VEGAS chili
1 gal BBG podding up.. could be red.. or orange.. not sure.. worst case i have another RED bubblegum

Chocolate NagaBrain needs to be moved.. just took water tank out of the lights... and put arm lamp

got me a couple new toys


got my 3' moring to root

buddy josh from FL sent me some hydro samples.. he also TOSSED in some fatalii pods since he was gonna throw them out anyways.... to my amazement.. only 4 pods were bad out of 3-4lbs of pepper... surprised it didnt get squashed!!


and finally put the plumerias from jericson in soil
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
big mojo brown.. from enrico lai.. notice the powdery on the stems and leaves.. despite the disease.. still podding
Uh oh - I have two plants this year that look exactly like that. Any advice? I don't want them to infect my healthy plants, so I've been considering tossing them.
SichuaneseFoodFan said:
Uh oh - I have two plants this year that look exactly like that. Any advice? I don't want them to infect my healthy plants, so I've been considering tossing them.
take them to another house.. or toss them.. =D
wish it was just that... this problem is a pepper eradicator 
SichuaneseFoodFan said:
Uh oh - I have two plants this year that look exactly like that. Any advice? I don't want them to infect my healthy plants, so I've been considering tossing them.
+1 OCD.  I can't believe how big pepper plants can get in a small pot.  My #1 pots and the 2-liter pots
have plants that are tall and setting pods.  They look like mature plants.  Makes me think that when I
have to move into a senior care residence someday, I can still grow a pepper or two!
Your grow plant projects are looking great, Denniz.  You have many green digits, my friend!
using a dewey mister to mist the plants  

Evergreen on the left.. lost a few leaves due to the triple digit heat.. and yellow lava to the right catching up

Pepper bed side one doing aOK... 

Ghost doing find.. starting to pod

manzano tons of pods.. tons more flowers

Hydro kicking arse.. photo one.. april 20.. photo two.. today

Pimenta Leopard
Comfrey Russian 14.. if you dont know what it is.. check it out
made some root cuttings....

Bitter Melons doing  good in the Greenhouse

Indigo tomatoes.. dude.. these arent cherry.. they're huge!!

rooted this plumeria and now forked

Patchouli taking off... 


Giant leaf oregano

todays harvest.. Kale.. purple kale.. lettuce mix.. zuke
Haskaps finally perking up and looking good

Gooseberries... Huckleberries.. Champagne currants.. and miracle berries


yes even in a 4" container... pepepr plants can pod

premie evergreen pods

Borg 9

Yellow Reaper

