Kiwi Grow Off - Heaviest weight of pods off a single plant

Robisburning said:
Glad you are growing in this comp to Orcmie, best of luck!  I am updating the first post in this thread with anything note worthy.  I will try to keep a running total of weights there for each of us so it might be worth checking there occasionally.
Regarding what to do with all the chillies I have a few ideas.  We could have a catch-up/bbq and do a tasting session of hot peppers/hot sauces/hot foods and seed trades.  This would be great fun but a bit rough for the south island contingent.
We could have a hot sauce competition where we each make 10 bottles of hot sauce and send them out to every other person.  That way we each end up with 10 bottles of hot sauce which we vote on. 
Errr, that is all I have got.
Sounds AWESOME!!! :)

FireFlyNZ said:
Yup have around 10-15 dorset naga seeds left from thsc, but would prefer to grow the same seed source as everyone else for obvious reasons, Just to put it out there everything i have grown from thsc has grown true, and as a discerning critical person such as myself i have only praise for the Neil, Luke and crew for great customer service and generosity also. (Yellow jellybeans and tabasco had 0% germination rates however). BOOOO!
I love Neil also don't get me wrong. But yeah a few crossed or not what they should be over the years. But he's a great guy and always looked after me with wrong/non-germinating seeds :)
Plus it keeps things interesting ;) Probably not so good when we are trying for a fun, healthy growing competition though if some end up being crosses? That was all I meant :)
Fire Dragon said:
Mine will be soil, no lights, no heat pads, 100% organic! Maybe we split the grow off into 2 parts, Hyrdo vs Soil! Rings a bell aye Paul? 10 seeds each sounds good if there are enough seeds? Also what are we going to do with all of these chillies at the end?
Are you scared Clint? ;) haha
I am in...just put down about 250 seeds to start fresh for the new grow season as i won't have many survivors from last year in good condition. I also now have 6 x  5ft fluorescent fittings and tubes on the way for my new indoor grow room!
Orcmie said:
I think the best I can do is a personal best. All you guys seem to have big plants and big yields down.
Start you plants under a few cfl bulbs in July,plant out into one of these 65L tubs from Bunnings in oct/nov.Drill some holes in the bottom fill up with daltons potting mix and a few cups of Yates dynamic lifter pellets water well and Bang.Pods up the ying yang
Swampy_NZ said:
Start you plants under a few cfl bulbs in July,plant out into one of these 65L tubs from Bunnings in oct/nov.Drill some holes in the bottom fill up with daltons potting mix and a few cups of Yates dynamic lifter pellets water well and Bang.Pods up the ying yang
Yates dynamic lifter The organic general plant one?
Oh I'm in the process of building something (insulated LED cabinet) that might get me going better earlier this year. one has a crop like what Swampy harvested....don't be intimidated by his awesome results ( i think he sold his sold to the devil for this harvest ! ) Just take his advice and you will be in good company with the rest of us mere mortals ( who have not sold their souls! ). I grow many plants for a range of chillies and none get anywhere near the size he experienced....he has concentrated his efforts into a few plants with excellent results....i prefer testing different chillies to establish my favourites and so grow a lot of different plants ( although not successfully last year though.....)
Yeah,This season was just a concentrated effort to see how much I could produce.This season I will tone it down a bit and go for more variety,not so big plants.Well thats the plan anyway  :)
Rush35 said: one has a crop like what Swampy harvested....don't be intimidated by his awesome results ( i think he sold his sold to the devil for this harvest ! ) Just take his advice and you will be in good company with the rest of us mere mortals ( who have not sold their souls! ). I grow many plants for a range of chillies and none get anywhere near the size he experienced....he has concentrated his efforts into a few plants with excellent results....i prefer testing different chillies to establish my favourites and so grow a lot of different plants ( although not successfully last year though.....)
I only grow them to see what I like as well as I just find them interesting.
But I also like to be competitive (I know in Wellington its going to be hard growing outdoors).
So any tips bring them on.
Orcmie said:
I only grow them to see what I like as well as I just find them interesting.
But I also like to be competitive (I know in Wellington its going to be hard growing outdoors).
So any tips bring them on.
Indoors under lights or greenhouse...or me!  This is a pretty wild obsession i have....the looks i get from my wife.....she thinks i am a nut!
Orcmie said:
I only grow them to see what I like as well as I just find them interesting.
But I also like to be competitive (I know in Wellington its going to be hard growing outdoors).
So any tips bring them on.
Dude, I sorted heating/cooling for my greenhouse, it cost me bugger all and currently powering it (including aquaponics pump, fans, heater, lights) it cost me less than $20 for the month of April. And that's with the thermostat set at 15 degrees so the heater is on/off most nights.
I'm gonna add a small video on my youtube channel this weekend with a quick runthrough of how i've done it. a 2.4m X 3.6m greenhouse can fit a lot of plants in there. I reckon worst case with the weather in Welly you might be looking at maybe $30 per month power bill max, and to grow a bunch of plants year round it isnt that bad.
SentencedToBurn said:
Dude, I sorted heating/cooling for my greenhouse, it cost me bugger all and currently powering it (including aquaponics pump, fans, heater, lights) it cost me less than $20 for the month of April. And that's with the thermostat set at 15 degrees so the heater is on/off most nights.
I'm gonna add a small video on my youtube channel this weekend with a quick runthrough of how i've done it. a 2.4m X 3.6m greenhouse can fit a lot of plants in there. I reckon worst case with the weather in Welly you might be looking at maybe $30 per month power bill max, and to grow a bunch of plants year round it isnt that bad.
Yeah I think that a reasonable greenhouse will be on the wish list for next year.
It's the wind that really stunts my plants not really the temps. But a greenhouse could solve that problem also...if I can keep from being carried away.
Orcmie said:
Yeah I think that a reasonable greenhouse will be on the wish list for next year.
It's the wind that really stunts my plants not really the temps. But a greenhouse could solve that problem also...if I can keep from being carried away.
You need to buy a good quality greenhouse which can withstand heavy wind...i learned that lesson the hard way first time round.....
Rush35 said:
You need to buy a good quality greenhouse which can withstand heavy wind...i learned that lesson the hard way first time round.....
Yeah I wondered about that.. for one min I just about brought one of those ones from 1-day and then pulled the plug,
I can just imagine my whole grow ending up a couple of KM down the road wizard of OZ style. We're not in Newlands now Toto!!!