Kiwi Grow Off - Heaviest weight of pods off a single plant

Orcmie said:
Yeah I wondered about that.. for one min I just about brought one of those ones from 1-day and then pulled the plug,
I can just imagine my whole grow ending up a couple of KM down the road wizard of OZ style. We're not in Newlands now Toto!!!
Yep, take my word for is heartbreaking to lose all that time, effort and love trying to save a couple of bucks! Get a decent quality tunnel or polycarbonate greenhouse.
Rush35 said:
Yep, take my word for is heartbreaking to lose all that time, effort and love trying to save a couple of bucks! Get a decent quality tunnel or polycarbonate greenhouse.
Yeah a short tunnel might be the go. Where I want to put it has a power outlet too (old fish pond).
Orcmie said:
Yeah I think that a reasonable greenhouse will be on the wish list for next year.
It's the wind that really stunts my plants not really the temps. But a greenhouse could solve that problem also...if I can keep from being carried away.
Hey dude here is my quick rundown of what i've done in my greenhouse. The way it's going I'm pretty confident it'll be fine even in the middle of winter.
SentencedToBurn said:
Hey dude here is my quick rundown of what i've done in my greenhouse. The way it's going I'm pretty confident it'll be fine even in the middle of winter.
I see you have been busy since i have been gone !
I have converted a large trestle table to a grow table in one of my down stairs rooms. I have a bunch of new seeds that have popped and are now in my large grow box which will be moved to heat mats on the trestle table. I am also putting together 6 x 5ft flourescent tubes with individual on/off switches for the lighting. It will be as bright as the sun in that room and i reckon the plants will love it! The flouro's will be suspended on chains from the ceiling for height adjustments as the plants grow. Should have it all up and running by the weekend and will upload some photos.
lol im a bit jealous of your guys setup's.
Im going to be even more bare bones this season then last season hah. I don't fancy my chances against you guys lol!
Last season i used my bedroom window which gets lots of sun to grow the plants over winter, ready to go outside in spring. Not ideal, but passable. Now my girlfriends moved in I cant get away with that anymore :(
The best I can do is put plants in my not very light garage, which even comes complete with tinted windows, lol   :mope:
The vast majority of my outdoor plants are doomed. There's a few small ones, and a couple of the more special plants that will probably get a place in the garage where it will at least be warmish. :rolleyes:
have we decided what we're growing yet?  
nzchili said:
lol im a bit jealous of your guys setup's.
Im going to be even more bare bones this season then last season hah. I don't fancy my chances against you guys lol!
Last season i used my bedroom window which gets lots of sun to grow the plants over winter, ready to go outside in spring. Not ideal, but passable. Now my girlfriends moved in I cant get away with that anymore :(
The best I can do is put plants in my not very light garage, which even comes complete with tinted windows, lol   :mope:
The vast majority of my outdoor plants are doomed. There's a few small ones, and a couple of the more special plants that will probably get a place in the garage where it will at least be warmish. :rolleyes:
have we decided what we're growing yet?  
Could you set up a small indoor grow room.All you would need is a couple of CFL bulbs,and a small fan?
We will be growing the Dorset Naga.I will send seeds out in a few weeks
Swampy_NZ said:
Could you set up a small indoor grow room.All you would need is a couple of CFL bulbs,and a small fan?
We will be growing the Dorset Naga.I will send seeds out in a few weeks
Yea i spose I could. Space is a bit of an issue though, and my garage gets shared by my dogs so id need to do it up high on a table or something
nzchili said:
Yea i spose I could. Space is a bit of an issue though, and my garage gets shared by my dogs so id need to do it up high on a table or something
Where there is a will...there is a way. I had 2 grow boxes in my last garage along with two cars and plenty of crap...just ask Sentencedtoburn what it looked i have plenty of space!
Ok.let me know who is keen and I will start to send out the seeds.Please PM me these details:
Full name
Address including post code and RD # if applicable
Contact number 
Please only people from New Zealand and who are going to participate in this competition.
Remember that July the 1st is the official start date but you can start after that.
Swampy_NZ said:
Ok.let me know who is keen and I will start to send out the seeds.Please PM me these details:
Full name
Address including post code and RD # if applicable
Contact number 
Please only people from New Zealand and who are going to participate in this competition.
Remember that July the 1st is the official start date but you can start after that.
Do you want anything in return? some seeds? not that I have a whole lot of interesting seeds to swap out. Short stubby round but corked jalas? or my Mystery (was given a pod) Pube.
Are we doing a seed prize pool?
Orcmie said:
Do you want anything in return? some seeds? not that I have a whole lot of interesting seeds to swap out. Short stubby round but corked jalas? or my Mystery (was given a pod) Pube.
Are we doing a seed prize pool?
No Im good.It wont cost much to send them all out.
Still not sure what we are doing for a prize though
Swampy_NZ said:
Ok.let me know who is keen and I will start to send out the seeds.Please PM me these details:
Full name
Address including post code and RD # if applicable
Contact number 
Please only people from New Zealand and who are going to participate in this competition.
Remember that July the 1st is the official start date but you can start after that.
PM sent :)