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in-the-kitchen Kroger delivery screwed up Now I got .

Add in some other fruit or orange bell peppers,
brown sugar to offset the citrus....
OH! CARROTS!!!! Yes! with orange habs, orange bell peps, lemon/lime juice, cherries, maybe some other subtle spices....
Onions and a little fresh garlic cloves.

Sure, that would work~

have fun, let us know what you use and how it turns out.

how big is the bag of habs? pounds? Habs can be surprisingly spicy. What heat level are you looking for?
About a pound of habs not a fan taste like gasoline to me but hey they are at my doorstep not going to use them all . I think ill make the rest and process the habs to taste .

Feel bad for who didn't get their order looks like they were going to do spaghetti squash with tomato sauce .

I got 2 squashes and a jar of tomato sauce also I want to know this cook lol
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Pop the stems off the habs and throw them on the smoker or grill and smoke or roast them until they are super soft. Throw them in your blender with vinegar, pineapple juice, juice from those limes and lemons, and onion. Tequila is optional. 😁 Blend like you would a smoothie and cook it up into a sauce with salt to taste. Cherries actually go good in salsa. And you have cilantro and limes. Done.
About a pound of habs not a fan taste like gasoline to me but hey they are at my doorstep not going to use them all . I think ill make the rest and process the habs to taste .

Feel bad for who didn't get their order looks like they were going to do spaghetti squash with tomato sauce .

I got 2 squashes and a jar of tomato sauce also I want to know this cook lol
Yeah that's why I candy them
That actually sounds good - Just popped a beer was going to have some of the cherries with lime and one of my favorite not so hot hot sauces Valentina it's just got great flavor . OK yum I got a new snack !


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Sheesh, some posts in that rings true to home for me. I know, random comment.
The comment was about making some stuff for the owner of our local food store. Which has just been sold, to a regional market Inc in business since 1924. Hanks has been in business since 1974. After 49 years the owners have sold to Rosauers. I spoke with a couple guys from Rosauers in the produce dept. They both assured me 'nothing is changing' . We'll see, but i feel like i should make some pickles for Hank as a retirement gift.

Ah well, no time, the deal is going down tomorrow.
Aight~ no need to be verbose~

For a 1-3 out of 10 sauce, you only need 1-6 habanero chiles in 1 gallon of sauce. That is for general peopke, not chileheads.

You could make a couple 1 gallon batches and still have some for candied habaneros.
Quick question I know freezing peppers makes them mushy when thawed but is it still possible to smoke or dehydrate them after being frozen I've used them for sauce before but never tried to smoke or dehydrate - With this heat i'm not firing up the smoker till it cools off a bit .
++ what Boss said~~ ^^

Mushy peppers are totally fine for sauces. They dehydrate fine, although they take a bit more time....
And they can be smoked after the fact.

I have smoked fresh habanero chiles and then food processored the smoked chiles into a paste and frozen in batch quantities in plastic tubs or zipper bags, depending on the quantity needed for the end product.

I think that process would be better....
smoke fresh chiles, dehydrate or mash/freezenthe smoked chiles

than trying to smoke frozen and now mushy chiles. but both will work.