labels-artwork label update- which is better?

One? or Two?  Like at the eye doctor~~~ :lol:
I'm considering updating the label colors.  Current label is black and red.  Should I add in the yellow or keep it as is?
PE color options.JPG
salsalady said:
Well, I guess this is the final-ish front label for the tins. 
PE front label snip.JPG
Thanks for everyone's comments.  It does help to have other eyes on the subject. 
And if anyone else happens to stop by, feel free to chime in.  Labels aren't going to print for a week or two.
Funny, I've just read this topic from start to finish and every iteration you updated the thing I thought needed work. In the end, it turned out just as I'd imagined it. Looking good!
It's a little "electric" on the eyes what I might do is drop that red to a darker one (not maroon, in between), which makes the yellow pop even more and more legible.
If that makes the black text not work, I'd try keeping the red the same but making the yellow more mustard.
Both being electric hurts the eyes, one, imo, would be great.
Option 3, keep all the same but widen the black stoke to give the electric colors their own space.
hahaha, you asked!!!!!!
I really like it! Cool logo, easy to read, and simple but professional!
salsalady said:
Well, I guess this is the final-ish front label for the tins. 
PE front label snip.JPG
Thanks for everyone's comments.  It does help to have other eyes on the subject. 
And if anyone else happens to stop by, feel free to chime in.  Labels aren't going to print for a week or two.
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The Hot Pepper said:
It's a little "electric" on the eyes what I might do is drop that red to a darker one (not maroon, in between), which makes the yellow pop even more and more legible.
If that makes the black text not work, I'd try keeping the red the same but making the yellow more mustard.
Both being electric hurts the eyes, one, imo, would be great.
Option 3, keep all the same but widen the black stoke to give the electric colors their own space.
hahaha, you asked!!!!!!
Yes, I did!  :) 
The red on the screen shot looks orange-ier than the actual labels.  The original labels have a deeper true red color.  When I hold up a label to the image on the screen, there is a noticeable difference.  Not sure at which stage the color is changing, but I'll keep an eye on the red and make sure the graphics people check that also. 
Thanks for the input!
Thanks for posting, ooothats.  :welcome: to THP!
interesting....Back in the original Adobe Illustrator program, I put one original black/red design next to the same label with yellow font.  Both reds are 100%M, 100%Y.  The red with the yellow letters has a very subtle orange look.  When I add 2%black, it darkens it up just  enough so it looks like the original red. 
salsalady said:
Well, I guess this is the final-ish front label for the tins. 
PE front label snip.JPG
Thanks for everyone's comments.  It does help to have other eyes on the subject. 
And if anyone else happens to stop by, feel free to chime in.  Labels aren't going to print for a week or two.

I like this. Might have to hire you to design mine [emoji23]

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