labels-artwork Labels for hot sauce

Hi everyone, happy new year! I am looking at labeling hot sauce bottles to sell , as I have different varieties it will be costly to get them printed for each so not cost effective as I would probably have to order a minimum run of 300 each and I am testing the waters at this early stage. I'm looking to see how people label cost effectively, inkjet, commercial, label printers , does anyone have ideas to get started, obviously need to be waterproof for refrigeration. Thanks in advance
Thanks for this response! The only problem is I'm based in Ireland ! I am looking for home making methods preferably as I'm fine with graphic design. There is cricut machines, I'm unsure on basic label printers hence seeing what options there are . Really interested in low editions of sauces of maybe 20-30 bottles of each, which could mean 50 or so variations a year. Thanks for your advice. Has anyone tried the small label printers by Brother Epson etc?
I have a colour laser printer and print on the laser printable vinyl sticker sheets. The only hassle is having to cut out the labels from the sheet - but my largest batches are 25-30 bottles so it's not too much bother. It also lets me do different size labels for different size bottles without having to buy different vinyl.
Hi Siv thanks for your feedback ! This is more what I am looking for. I have an Epson eco tank printer that only prints onto normal labels , so a laser printer maybe a good option. I'm determined to make my products marketable but have to look at cost for low run sauces otherwise it goes without saying it bites into profit when just starting out. I'll have a look into this, I just don't think commercial printing is viable right now given the above.. appreciate your feedback , thanks a mill !
@crackd - I'm not sure about Ireland, but here in the States there are stores where you can take in a flash-drive with your label files, and use their laser printer and print them out. If you supply your own label paper, the charge is minimal. Just another option for you to consider, especially if you want laser quality without the expense of purchasing your own.
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@crackd - I'm not sure about Ireland, but here in the States there are stores where you can take in a flash-drive with your label files, and use their laser printer and print them out. If you supply your own label paper, the charge is minimal. Just another option for you to consider, especially if you want laser quality without the expense of purchasing your own.
Hi Downriver , I am going try the inkjet gloss paper method, give that a try first, thanks so much for the heads up! I'll see how goes !!
We currently use Online Labels for blanks, print at home with a photo printer. We sell 150(ish) bottles per month to local retail; more in the summer with markets. One more large retailer and we'll be moving to commercial label printing, but for smaller volume, at home printing and pre-cut labels are great!

Use a fixative spray. Hairspray supposedly works as well. Or, try laser printing.
The labels say they're for inkjet - i've never tried inkjet-specific media on a laser printer.
Maybe i'll see if they have similar ones for laser.

Spraying every label is going to add just that much more time as i get into larger batches.
The ink should set, like when you print a photo on ink jet. The paper locks it in. Unless the printer is a cheap model or something.