The only time I had a massive death rate when I released lady bugs ,I think it was because they were refridgerated and I realeased them at sundown outside but the low for that day was 80+ degrees.
I think they got shocked or something.
Also I don't know how long they were in the Nursery fridge before I bought them.
I like Green Lacewings best but they do better outside than indoors.
Aphid wasps were the best for only aphids,but can't handle heat over 80+ degrees for long.
They are the best for aphid control but the downside is that they die when the food is gone.
I do see them outside though for several years after released.They can find places to migrate to.
Indoors mantis ended up eating each other.Adults ate the smaller ones.I ended up with only 1 or 2 and they couldn't keep up with how fast the stuff they eat reproduced.
Don't use a systemic.
I found the ones I tried years ago reduced production.
I don't know,but think that it killed of the good bugs too so once the systemic did it's job the plants still had to deal with the crap they got from leaf miners,aphids etc.
Also,systemics are bad news in general.
One I used one year for mites was banned for food crops the next year.
I think it stays in the soil a lot longer than they say it does.
I think the safe time they state on the labels between application and harvest are in lab tests.
It's how long the treatment took to leave only the plant after application and didn't include the time it was still getting it from the soil.
To me,it killed bugs a long time after it was supposed to not be effective any more.
I think that is why most systemics are only supposed to be used 2X a year MAX.
All my plants are in pots,so I'd think that the systemics would have washed out fast.
I don't think they did though.
I tried a ton of systemics on my plants at one time for various bad guys.
I never eat the pods from those plants.I saved seeds.
Though,as I get older,I might try eating a few of the pods I saved for seeds from systemic treated plants.
My eyes are getting bad,a 3rd or 4rth eye might come in handy.