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leaves turning purple?

My peppers leaves are beginning to turn purple...not all of them just a couple. Is this normal and is so why do they do that? I recently put them into bigger pots could that be the problem? or is it my girlfriend poisoning them because im more focused on my plants then on her?
Need picture, but probably just sun tan. Usually ok. Some plants do that. If your recent pot up was not hardened off then there might be concern.

Well, they're under flouros, about 2 inches above the tops of the plants like everyone says to do. I potted up from coir plugs to 3 inch peat pots with MG Organic Potting Soil. It was only last week that I repotted, so it shouldn't be any nutrient deficiency. But could they get "sun tan" from flouros? They don't get too hot so theyre definately not burning. I just have no idea. I just want my plants to be big and green. Other than that, they seem really healthy. I can try and get a picture up tomorrow some time.
^+1 A few of mine have purple stems and some are getting purple leaves also. It's just from the fluros mate. They'll be just peachy!
girlfriends/wives just don't get it do they.......yes dear i know if you hear one more thing about peppers you're going to leave me.....but you gotta check this out *wife storms out of room*....me..what?
Its likely just anthocyanin pigment which is used by plants as a defence mechanism against strong blue UV light. Its basically like the plant is getting a sun-tan to build up against getting sun burnt. Anthocyanin is also a good antioxidant;)
It sure is, drove by today on the way to work. I've never been there, but i heard its really dam good and a lot of food too lol

edit: no pics btw cuz i cant find the cable to connect it to the computer.
Element said:
It sure is, drove by today on the way to work. I've never been there, but i heard its really dam good and a lot of food too lol

edit: no pics btw cuz i cant find the cable to connect it to the computer.

Fvcking amazing food! It's been years since i was there.
Yeah, it's likely the flouros. When I moved my seedlings from starter cells to a new bank of T5s, like 8 weeks ago, I did not understand how strong those lights were. So I put them at 2-3 inches above the seedling tops. Most of my plants went dark purple - ALL of the leaves. I backed off the flouros to about 10" and things got more normal. I eventually figured out that 2-3 " stressed out the plants too much, and the lights then sat at around 6" above the plants, where they did just great, with only occasional minor purpling.

Anyway, oddly, the purple leaves never seemed to affect anything. They didn't turn brown, die, fall off, go green again, or anything else. They just remained healthy looking, but purple, leaves.

Here is a pic that illustrates the whole situation very nicely. The plant on the left, a Thai Hot, went 100 % purple under my T5 setup. About 10-14 days ago, I pulled it out from under the lights and just put it out in the sun. Thus you can see on the plant, lower leaves that are entirely dark purple, followed by a sudden, total change of direction where the new leaves are a healthy dark green. I think my learning point from this odd purple experience is to not panic when it happens because it doesn't seem to mean anything, but also to keep those T5s more like 6 inches off the plants instead of 2.

Thanks for all of the help guys. I'm happy about 2 things:

1) My plants do not have gonorhea.
2)My girlfriend does not have to die.

Haha, hopefully I can get some pictures up soon. My boys are still small, but they look great! (At least, I think they do!)