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lighting LED Shop Light 135 Watts (Ghetto Build)

Built another one. I put the lights 10" on center. The first light was 9".


Removing 6 links and a little reshaping of a couple of the remaining links on the center chain make it to where they are all tight when you lift it.


Bought these little rings from home depot for 1.18 a piece. The lights are like 24 bucks after tax. A dollar a piece for the pvc and 6 bucks for gorrila epoxy.

So 82 bucks and maybe 10 mins to assemble.

Hopefully not just a waste of money, found out the leds are the 2835 chips. Maybe 24v?
Here you go ptmd. Adding a few more diodes today. Also soldering these little ass wires makes me like the shop lights more and more.



Maybe these added lights will bump up the performance to match the t8.
So I got all the new strips in and now the blue and green got crossed somehow(drill?)

Then I forgot to hook up one wire of the cool white, when I hooked it up the psu went into protection mode. So I dimmed the warm white about half way and it works fine. I must have reached the limit of this Xbox 360 psu, I have a bigger one I guess I could put on there.

