Lee´s 2009 Grow season

Sorellina said:
Ciao Lee-

Those wild ones of yours are so very totally el neato!

Grazie sorellina. Ritorno a voi il mio piante di pomodoro :);)... Ok grammar is crap :D

Josh said:
That has quite the interesting growth habit. Cool stuff.

It sure has, and very interesting to see it develop :cool:.

Wanna read more about C.Lanceolatum http://www.fatalii.net/growing/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=77&Itemid=96.

If you interested in wild species, check out the other wild articles
Alway great pictures of all your plants. What I want to see is what all the pods look like on all your wild peppers. I was never this interested in many unknown to me varieties, now all I want is a seed trade. Great thread and pics lee.
gret looking plants and photos lee...makes me wonder how you would do in a warmer climate....
caroltlw said:
Love the symmetry on Biggie. That thing should win some kind of award or something.

It's my grow contest plant :). Just for fun, whoever grows the biggest pepper wins.
I've got two CAP217. Left on 10 Liter, on the right my ugliest plant on 1,5 Liter. Those leaves suffered from the warmth and intense light of my growbox. Made them curl like a cigar.

Bhut Jolokia


Aji Cito
Lee, I assume you will eventually be able to remove those training strings right?

Great looking stuff by the way.
I could remove em now but the plant is still growing. I have to make some small corrections sometimes to keep it in "shape" :lol: .Those strings will be removed when growth stops.
lee said:
I could remove em now but the plant is still growing. I have to make some small corrections sometimes to keep it in "shape" :lol: .Those strings will be removed when growth stops.

Sounds good. I can't wait to see those big pods hanging off it.
Some of my rocoto's have done that lee in the greenhouse.

Leaves are curled and yellowy in places. Tried to shade them a bit. Whats you plan for it?
What is the weather like right now in the Netherlands, Lee?

Also, how long is the outdoor growing season? I was always under the impression that it was pretty short in your part of the world.

Beautiful Pimenta Da Neyde...seeds from Fatalii?;)
Toleman said:
Some of my rocoto's have done that lee in the greenhouse.

Leaves are curled and yellowy in places. Tried to shade them a bit. Whats you plan for it?

I kept 1 in my mini GH that blocks some sun as well. Seem to work fine. But you could cover them with lace cloths, works fine too