Some vandals recently broke into the garden and messed up some plants incl. trepadeira. They destroyed some branches
and even stole a plant, Bode Roxa. Go figure, they knew what to get
Trepadeira do Werner
Some vandals recently broke into the garden and messed up some plants incl. trepadeira. They destroyed some branches
and even stole a plant, Bode Roxa. Go figure, they knew what to get
Serious they actually stole a plant and some containers... They even cut some holes in my water tank, right at the bottom.. I moved most plants on to the roof terrace where they are much saver. At least within reach
C.flexuosum. Overwintered plant. It's now a Flex on stem
Cumari Verdadeira
Crossed Locato X CGN19198#2 with CGN19198#2. I pollinated the flowers on both plants. It seems that the Locato X CGN19198#2 has difficulties setting fruit up to know. Will leave it for a while and will try some manual pollinating
Cambuci Huge Flowers
Well captured a parasitic wasp (most likely)on C.galapagoense. Also found cocoons. The light wasn't good so some pictures are not that clear. More info on parasitic wasps>> (
Nice video >>
A ladybug and the wasp are guarding C.galapagoense
Plants is doing great and is far ahead of my 2011 C.tovarii plant, lots of new growth and most important lots of flowers. This years harvest will be very early and will have more yield as the plant already is bearing lots of fruits. Last year I had to ripen the pods inside the house under growlights
The plant is self compatible and very prolific. In the nodes grow 1-3 flowers but mostly 2 flowers per node. The majority of the flowers are "shorter" and have strong culled tips. It looks like the membrane between the petals is missing!! My first thought is that the membrane between the petals gives more stiffness in the petals and prevents that it curls up like in the picture below..
Also very remarkable is that new flowers are more or less campanulate. In the picture you can see the difference
Looks like the good weather is back. Lots of rain past 2 weeks and very depressing weather. Yesterday it was only 13 degrees C and today 27 Degrees C :? Plants haven't grown that much but there moving forward
C.rhomboideum Is making some good flowers now. First pods already growing
Inca Red drop X Lemop drop Very prolific plants and won't be long until first harvest