cooking Leftover Turkey ...what ya doing with it? Recipe???

Hope y'all are wide awake though pounds heavier with all those 2nd/3rd helpings with extra gravy to boot & not to mention the 2 slices
of sweet potato pies topped off with mounds of whipped cream...yeah,you "stuffed":hi::hi: yourself silly...but U did drink sensibly as promised
right?Hope so.:clap:
(FYI:The reason why tryptophan makes people feel so sleepy is because of the serotonin and melatonin it produces. Turkey contains an amino acid known as tryptophan..nuff up if you want to find out more.) you have to WALK off those calories.NOW!!!!

So here's what I say you do...go to the Mall & park your car way back ,way way back & walk a few rounds shopping, in the mall...just walk.

There's more time for Xmas shopping,"later fu tha"..feel the fresh cool here (NE)...just do it & you'll feel so good& less guilty about the ice cream
you helped yourself to,ah what 's a few more(hundred)calories right?
WALK IT OFF...& to help you here's the manager of the NY YANKEES ERIN Boone Strutting his stuff after his walk off...2003 to the utmost disbelief
of the other team one called RED SOX...of how I remember dogs were jumping on the bed with me...crazy just crazy.I've seen a lot
of home runs being hit this is my fav...maybe an inside the park HR is 2nd best.Erin ..never thought he's be back to Manage...let's go YANKS!!!

I digress..SORRY 'bout tha..not really thou':D
So tell me ,what I want to know is when you go home from your walk off,what about the leftovers...any good recipes to share >>"PLEASE" share,
and if you use any special peppers say in your chili,soup,casserole or whatever tell me what it was?I'm dying to know,for my next year.:P
For TG I made Teriyaki Pork Loin with "WILD" rice,mixed vegetables and they had Ice cream...I had an apple...boring right?Taste great..
no walk off for me.
I'm waiting with baited breathe to see what moves the Yankees eerie quiet...maybe Gerrit Cole will return some $$$$$ he obtained
under false pretense...yeah right?
Can't wait for '22...meanwhile we have so much to be grateful for....Like all my brothers here ....YOU ROCK!!!Makes this place
so special....Keep on rocking in THE USA.💃💃💃
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Easy and simple recipe, decades of trial/error and simplicity...

Leftover turkey. Take an amount (of your choosing) pull apart or cut. Throw into a skillet or non-stick pan (preferably) , dice an onion to throw in and stir together for a few minutes on "high." Then introduce a BBQ sauce of your choice (generously), a little water and continue stirring until the water boils away and the contents are well thickened /seared.

Put on a hamburger bun with the hot sauce of your choice. A "faux" pulled pork sandwich, but not too shabby......

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I won’t recount my recipe here. but just to add another suggestion if I may. Some people “bake” a turkey for Thanksgiving, some people “fry” a turkey and others such as myself will “smoke” one. Over the years, I’ve experimented with many things regarding the leftover turkey….

Sandwiches are a given regardless the initial cooking technique.

BBQ is the best/easiest in my opinion as above given.

If you’ve “smoked” turkey leftovers, I’ve found that I can feed a large group of people with a “gumbo” recipe, substituting the seafood with turkey. Again, certainly not the same, but damned good otherwise.

For your consideration. :cheers:
2 cups chopped cooked turkey
4 rashers of bacon (fried) and diced
1/4 cup mayo (or ranch)
1 green onion chopped into small rounds
salt & pepper to taste

Mix together - the kids love this in sandwiches (use crusty bread or baguette), you can add to chopped romaine or to cooked pasta for salad. Very flexible, easy and always goes down well.
WM & Siv..,Thanks guys for sharing your recipes....will keep in mind..
Turkey turnover is something I have done in the past with gravy..I cheated & use P Farms Puff pastry & it was so good.

Speaking of cheating...Siv are you an Astros fan 👎...maybe cricket ? I used to follow the sport as my brothers are really
into it but Yankee baseball has "bowled" me over.Go Yanks!!!
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