Wow. This is intriguing.
I actually have a large pepper plant growing on my front porch, wouldn’t even think to move it for fear of a lawsuit. Are you kidding? Really? A perfectly legal thing (growing food) a practice done throughout the ages, now impacted because someone who has no right to it may experience discomfort? I’m not buying into that at all. Different if it were somehow “lethal” and folks could die. Great discomfort, well then it’s a self-correcting problem.
Sure, you can hire an attorney to try and sue anybody for anything. They will happily take your money as long as you pay – win or lose.
Extrapolate the scenario onto peanut farmers. We certainly all know about the “nut allergy” phenomenon. Seems as though I hear about it every day, or see the signs, menus etc.. So precisely what do you think would be the requirements under this line of reasoning concerning lawsuits? Fence in the entire area? Place warning placards on all the tractors and equipment? What if some kid climbs the fence and gets inside and eats the peanuts? How tall should the fence be? Maybe he couldn’t read the signs due to age, illiteracy or perhaps not the language the signs were written in. How many different languages should the signs be? What about birds, rodents etc. who may scatter the nuts outside the “fenced in,” “roped off,” “locked down” hazardous production areas, are the farmers responsible for this as well? The possibilities and scenarios are endless. Blah blah blah.
Cower in fear if you choose, as for me, my "rights" will not be impacted by such absurdities.
I actually have a large pepper plant growing on my front porch, wouldn’t even think to move it for fear of a lawsuit. Are you kidding? Really? A perfectly legal thing (growing food) a practice done throughout the ages, now impacted because someone who has no right to it may experience discomfort? I’m not buying into that at all. Different if it were somehow “lethal” and folks could die. Great discomfort, well then it’s a self-correcting problem.
Sure, you can hire an attorney to try and sue anybody for anything. They will happily take your money as long as you pay – win or lose.
Extrapolate the scenario onto peanut farmers. We certainly all know about the “nut allergy” phenomenon. Seems as though I hear about it every day, or see the signs, menus etc.. So precisely what do you think would be the requirements under this line of reasoning concerning lawsuits? Fence in the entire area? Place warning placards on all the tractors and equipment? What if some kid climbs the fence and gets inside and eats the peanuts? How tall should the fence be? Maybe he couldn’t read the signs due to age, illiteracy or perhaps not the language the signs were written in. How many different languages should the signs be? What about birds, rodents etc. who may scatter the nuts outside the “fenced in,” “roped off,” “locked down” hazardous production areas, are the farmers responsible for this as well? The possibilities and scenarios are endless. Blah blah blah.
Cower in fear if you choose, as for me, my "rights" will not be impacted by such absurdities.