Lep pozdrav iz Slovenije

Hey guys.

As my title says, "greetings from Slovenia" :)
My name is Luka and I'm 25 yrs old.

14 days ago I knew nothing about chilli/hot peppers and stuff like that. Sure I liked to eat them and that was about it.
But 11 days ago I stumbled upon some Slovenian chilli web site and because I really like fiery food, I just decided that it would be really cool if I start growing them by myself :)
Bought some seeds, got some info online and here I am now...

I have sowed my chillies on 16th of April. I know I am a bit late, but I'm going to try it anyway. I'm counting on a long and sunny summer :D
7 Sweet&Hot, 5 Jalapenos and 4 Red/Yellow Habaneros is my arsenal.
I know, nothing special but have to start somewhere :)

All Sweet&Hot and Jalapenos chilli seeds already germinated. Great result for a first timer, but I guess I'm not even on 1/10th of the way :D
(btw, anyone heard about Sweet&Hot chilli type? was searching online but I couldn't find any reference about this one. i guess it has some other "more official" and boring(?) name :))

Also browsing this forum for about three or four days now. I saw its a really great community, so I obv decided to register too.
I hope I can also become an active member here, posting some recipes, photos and stuff like that :)

That's it from my part. C ya around ;)
Thanks guys :)
RedtailForester, your translation is perfect :D

BTW, I was really shocked today.
I looked at my Habaneros, which were separated from the others and stayed on my warm PC Modem and... They already germinated :eek:
All four of them! 10 days since sowing.
I wasn't expecting them for a week or so.